[@Skai][@knighthawk] Afina looked up at the photographer and gave her an encouraging smile, finding her presence to be one of the more toned-down ones, something that this fair seemed to lack. [b]"We would be pleased to have you join us tomorrow night,"[/b] She looked down at the signup sheet and snatched her name up with her sharp eyes. [b]"Maria."[/b] The common human name rolled off the tongue easily, but she couldn't help but think that this girl brought something new to the common name. [i]Odd... well, perhaps having a photographer around wouldn't hurt us... If things get too chancy, I'll just ask her to take it away. She seems kind enough to follow orders.[/i] Then one of the frat boys made himself present. Noticing the patch on his varsity jacket, she immediately knew which fraternity he was from. [i]Oh, hell no...[/i] Despite the thoughts going on in her head, she smiled and pushed forward a pen on the table. [b]"Ah, yes, we do enjoy having people from all groups on campus. We've never had a frat boy in on our club. Mayhaps you'll bring something new to the table, eh?"[/b] Her voice was cool and challenging despite the kind look on her face. Her eyes flashed a vibrant amber. A silent warning that he shouldn't try anything too soon. Glancing over to the Student Council table that had made sure to set up across the pathway, she saw their smug faces gazing disdainfully at her booth. Making sure no one was paying attention to her, she flipped them the bird quickly before continuing to gather new members, both monsters and humans.