[center][hr][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Jennifer%20McGowin%20&name=Garton.ttf&size=80&style_color=FF6363[/img][hr][b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Constance Billard [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] | Everett -[@AcerRo] | Franchesca -[@MissCapnCrunch] |[hr][/center][center]Jennifer really needed to work on the flaw she had about asking people questions then walking. She hoped that Everett wasn't mad at her. Her eyes gleamed with the girls she was speaking with as she saw that Everett had sat down already. Jennifer sighed then turned back towards her friends for a brief second, apologizing that she had to leave them but they were definitely going to talk later before her party later that night. She wiggled her fingers towards them and walked off, seeing a girl sitting beside Everett and she immediately got into attack mode. Jen approached the girl and saw what she was wearing. [color=ff6363]"Oh, my god."[/color] Jen gasped. [color=ff6363]"You might need to sue whoever let you walk out of the house wearing that."[/color] With a slight devious smile towards the female her eyes trailed towards Everett, pointing at the female. [color=ff6363]"Who is this person with the hideous clothing?"[/color] She asked towards him while looking back towards the girl, raising a hand up at Everett. [color=ff6363]"Don't answer that. You."[/color] She pointed towards the girl and fluttered her fingers in a different direction while speaking. [color=ff6363]"Shouldn't you go sit with someone much more of you caliber? Like the janitor?"[/color] She chuckled a little and her friends that were close by giggled, as well. This girl was sitting beside her boyfriend and she didn't know who she was so saw her as a potential target. She did a hair flip with a sigh while picking up the girl's backpack and throwing it a few inches away. [color=ff6363]"Shoo. And someone please get me some hand sanitizer! I just touched her things."[/color] She was the Queen Bee of the school and everyone knew not to try her because she'd definitely make your life a living hell. Her friends watched the display as she eyed Everett. [color=ff6363]"Tell this bimbo to move out of my seat so I can sit beside my boyfriend."[/color] She stood a bit cutely towards him and batted her eyelashes, glancing towards the girl with a scowl look then looking back towards Everett with a raised brow. [b]"Everyone please take your seats as the assembly is about to begin."[/b] Someone spoke into the microphone on the podium as Jennifer looked at the girl while now raising then furrowing a brow at her as her nostrils also flared.[/center]