[h1]TIME FOR ANOTHER ANNOUNCEMENT BECAUSE I LIKE SHOUTING SOMETIMES FOR NO GOOD REASON[/h1] Okay, so I've just updated the rules. Again, since I don't want this RP to die, [i]please[/i] reply to other posts as soon as you possibly can. I know life can be a bitch, but I would really appreciate it if you could reply to people's posts. I want this to move nice and smoothly so everything doesn't get thrown in the dust again. [b]The deadline for introduction posts is [u]Friday 27th.[/u] If we manage to get all our posts in by then, we can advance the plot.[/b] [@Vongola_Hasayo] [@geminironin] If you guys could get some posts up by Friday, that would be great. Also, for you peeps who have approved characters, it would be nice if I could add you to my Skype chat. That way, we can keep in contact with each other far more easily, and if something bad pops up, you can tell us straight away. Just add [b]Jay Kalton or jay.kalton[/b] and I'll put you in the group :) (Of course, mention who you are first before sending your message xD)