[center][h1][color=ed1c24]Hal Polwith[/color][/h1][/center] Hal sorted through his only drawer, which was vaugely organized into piles. To any normal person, it would seem a mess, but Hal knew exactly where everything was. He considered the weather, and grabbed plain red T-Shirt and a pair of cargo shorts, which seemed to fit the occasion better than athletic shorts. Connor rummaged around with the alcohol behind him. Hal grinned to himself. Leave it to Connor to make things crazy Hal wandered over to the bathroom to change, which he did rapidly. Then he actually went to the bathroom. He considered his day. The assembly had been boring, as expected. Prof. Williams had provided an excellent "lesson" in phys ed, but of course, Prof. Abbott was already trying to murder her entire class. It was too bad the devil's daughter taught history, or Hal might actually be doing well. Prof. Lucas had done his usual pirate bit, and Hal couldn't help laughing. The man was an acting genius, even if Hal had seen teh bit before. When the tweet about the Hancock's party had gone out, a storm of texts had followed. Hal was not surprised. Aspen's announcement at practice hadn't come as a surprise either, though it made sense. He wondered who else was going, hopefully everybody, wouldn't be as much fun if only a few of them showed. [color=00a651]"Hal, bruh, I'm gonna grab Nate, meet you in the lobby,"[/color] Connor called from outside. Hal said something along the lines of "okay" but wasn't really paying attention to himself. He judged his hair in the mirror, figuring it good enough, and then stepped out. He grabbed his everyday shoes, just a pair of bland brown unbranded shoes (he had no idea where he'd got them). He grabbed his phone off his desk and left the room, locking the door behind him. He bounded down the stairs, taking them two at a time just to get his blood flowing. He stumbled into the lobby and bumped into the other guys. [color=ed1c24]"Hey guys, ready to go?"[/color] he asked, raising an eyebrow. Connor nodded vigourously, and Nate grinned and spun his car keys [color=f26522]"Yeah, as ready as I'll ever be!"[/color] Aspen bounded down the stairs at the last minute. The others took this as their cue to leave. The four piled into Nate's car, Hal and Aspen in the back, Connor riding shotgun. They chatted about nonsense as they drove, mostly swim stuff, interjections from Connor inserted appropraitley. They pulled up into the driveway and all clambered out. As they walked into the house, Connor boomed, [color=00a651]"Was gud, kids? I bring you tidings of great booze, get drinking and GIT ON MA LEVEL!"[/color] Hal grinned. [color=ed1c24]"This should be fun."[/color] he said quietly. Nobody heard, the music was already blasting.