Nation Name: New Gobolia Chosen Colour for Nation: Gold And Regal Green People of Importance: Gaz The Boss (Ruler) Wimpy The Weak (Former ruler since last week) Grazgul Gutrippah (used-to-be Evil Orc Overlord a couple [s]years[/s] weeks ago) Races: Goblins TRAITS: National Trait: Cunning Linguistics Army Type: Grab Yer Pitchforks and Get Marchin'! Conscript Military Units: 400 Archer Units 300 Warrior Units Navy Type Merchant Fleet Navy Units: 55 Transport Units. 5 Ships Military Traits: Superior Forging, Fearless (free), Kill them from a distance, Mithril Armor, Soldiers of the line. Naval Traits: Ship building. Extended Holds. Ship Artillery Flight Type: Death from the skies. Flight Trait's: Highly Explosive Flight Unit's: 50 Bomber's, 20 Fighters No magic for gobbo's. Technology Traits: Steam Engine. Trains. Al chemical Alloys. Controlled Flight Racial Traits: Sneaky Little Buggers. Nation History: The Land of New Gobbolia used to be a small country of Goblin Settler's from the Tushienia, that really hated the dictator who lived their for "Stealing" their land away. however one hour after they landed they were immediately taken over by a massive tribe of orks. who immediately found fit to using the Goblins as their slaves, and forcing them into slavary, the Ork tribes then decided to use them as currency. selling them off to other Nations and tribes. to act as makeshift soldiers, garbage collectors and sometimes pet food. Rebellion was almost impossible for the Goblins. but however they found a loophole in one of their governmental laws. that if the leader of the Tribe is killed. the Strongest Man will be crowned as the New Leader. and also, killing something that is stronger than you will immediately make you leader. even if you aren't buff in the first place. so the goblin slaves had a idea. they got the wimpiest Goblin they could find and told him to go and challenge the Leader Grazgul to a dual. Armed with nothing but a rock Wimpy threw said rock at Grazgul. killing him instantly and making Wimpy leader. Wimpy kicked out the rest of the orks and took control. Wimpy was a idealistic young gobbo and decided to turn the new country into a gigantic place of commerce. where money is everything and capitalism rules. unfortunately this caused a lot of Goblins to become extremely poor and start gangs. causing New Gobbolia to turn into Fantasy Las Vegas. And then Wimpy was stabbed in the back (literally) by a goblin named Gaz, who was the leader of the Gang "Green Teef", who was declared the strongest man and put in control. Gaz then removed the Strongest man law ASAP. and then decided to take advantage of the crime situation. causing the local Gobbo Guard to be replaced by Local Gangs. and having Poor Goblins who couldn't pay the excessively high rent to be drafted into the Military, which was ruled by Gangs also. So basically at this point New Gobbolia becomes Double Las Vegas controlled by gangs. MILITARY: Army: 300 Conscript Archers (in units) (300 000 in people) 300 Conscript Warriors (U) (300 000 P) Navy: 55 Transports. 5 Ships Airforce: 50 Bombers, 20 Fighters I want province's for area 41, 40 and 39