Gilgamesh sat atop his throne waiting for this year’s Holy Grail War to begin. He sighed in frustration before he got up and walked towards the edge of the balcony that over looked the arena. This will be where my entertainment will perform for me. I will be judge, jury and executioner to this year’s battle. A king like myself shouldn’t be down there in the dirt fighting for his crown. He should be high above his peasants and gladiators, watching them give their life to their king for his amusement. A smile formed on his face as he turned back towards his throne. Behind it was the grail, but what Gilgamesh didn’t see was the sickly purple miasma slowly pouring from the grail as it strained to maintain all the power required to make Gilgamesh’s wish a reality. Gilgamesh laughed as he raised his hands into the air, “Come my warriors! Entertain your king and claim my trinket for your own!” Gilgamesh let his arms fall to his side and added, "For once you've rise to the top. It will make it so enjoyable to watch you fall back into the mud"