[img] http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-AVJsrk5VChA/T5MpDkT_dbI/AAAAAAAAIIU/9bdSEW8DOY8/s320/3021834983_061.bmp [/img] [img]http://www.adventuresinpoortaste.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/graveyard-shift-1990-bat-monster.jpg [/img] Full Name: Shashous-Throth, the Magna Pater of Vermin Age: 1,107 years. There's little way of telling if it looks its age or not. Gender: Male Species: Primordial Vampire Major: Being scary as sh*t. Appearance: A piebald monstrosity with slime slicked flesh and no hind legs. It's only limbs are two winged arms and a long, powerful tail. The middle claw on each paw is eight inches long and lethally sharp. The beast's head is mostly a jagged maw with oily, unseeing eyes on top. From snout to tail base, he is a little less than eight feet long. The tail is another eight feet. It weighs in at 800 pounds, roughly as much as a dairy cow. [img]http://s11.postimg.org/onx083pg3/darkness.png[/img] Behavior: A terror from below the crust, Shashous-Throth is what one would first think of when the word "monster" comes to you in the dead of night. It makes no noise, has no mercy, and lives only to drain the blood and devour the flesh of all living things it can bind within its greasy wings. But it is shy, and it despises the light. Shashous-Throth prefers to remain in damp pitch-blackness, where no eyes can spy it and no light can fall upon it. It often lurks beneath graveyards, occasionally squirming through the wormy soil to feast upon the dead and decaying when no live meat is available. Recently, however, a certain college in Hallesdale has enticed it to venture forth on moonless evenings to seek prey both rare and delectable. A Bit About Yourself: The Magna Pater isn't meant to be an excuse to kill off everyone's character. It's to provide a challenge that can adjust to anybody's level to provide them with some action-packed (and frightening) fun. Hobbies/Other: Devouring the living and the dead, sleeping below the ground.