[center][img]http://media.moddb.com/cache/images/members/1/440/439562/thumb_620x2000/Battle_of_Whiterun.jpg[/img][/center] So here it is! The next Elder Scrolls RP. The story will be epic, there will be women, battle, and ale! Seriously, this will be an exciting endeavor. The backstory so far is that the Great War between the Aldmeri Dominion and the Empire as been raging for some time now, and the knife-ears have reached the walls of the Imperial City. We (The Eighth Legion) have been tasked with a desperate and suicidal rearguard action to hold the Dominion while Empereor Titus Mede II escapes to plan the Battle of the Red Ring which is the last major battle of the war. The first post of your character in the Legion* will detail your character's battle and untimely death. The moment we perish we instead awaken from a deep sleep in a ritual chamber surrounded by gore. The rest is to be explained in the first post. Character Sheet: [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Race:[/b] (If you are not Imperial, Nord, or Redguard you will be present after we arrive in the Ritual Chamber*) [b]Equipment:[/b] (Pretty straightforward] [b]Appearance:[/b] (Picture or just description is fine, but no anime.) [b]Biography:[/b] (You can put bits like personality in this as well.} Name: Cato Festus Germanum Age: 29 Race: Imperial Equipment: Heavy Legion Imperial officer armor, standard Imperial sword and shield. Legion cloak, heavy helm. Appearance: [img]http://www.gnd-tech.com/image/i/42BKI.jpg[/img] Biography: Cato was born into the noble caste of Imperial society. His father had served in the Imperial Legion during the Oblivion Crisis, and had witnessed Martin's Septim's death personally. During his boyhood Cato was interested in Tamrielic history, philosophy and alchemy. He fancied himself a scholar almost. He used his father's relative wealth to gain access to the Arcane University and their endless volumes. Due to pride and an Imperial male's duty he enlisted when the Great War broke out. The horror's of war have hardened him so far, but his fighting skills are still barely average. Cato's noble status landed him at the head of a century of 80 Nords, Imperials, and Redguards. He feels that the Empire should be held together at all costs, seeing it as the greatest establishment ever founded on Nirn. He will hold the walls of the Imperial City to the last man, seeing to it that his men do the same. [b]Rules:[/b] 1. No flame wars. 2. Use common sense. 3. I am God and you will kneel to my authority! (Seriously, my word is final.)