The clearing was quiet, dark under the shadow of Gilgamesh's castle's shadow. Corbet suspected that Gilgamesh's presence had long since driven out anything with a strong self survival instinct. [i]What does that make me?[/i] The Frenchmen thought with a chuckle. The voice echoed out from the castle, it's almost incomprhensible words breaking the Frenchmen from his reverie. Corbet breathed a deep sigh of relief as he finished examined his summoning circle. Nothing was wrong, except for the lack of summoning item to focus his demand, of course. He didn't like this random drawing into the abyss of time and power, hoping that he would get a powerful enough servant that he could win this new and twisted Holy Grail War. But, what could he do? There wasn't any time to grab a proper focus for his summoning, nor did he have the money to do so. It required more influence then he had to even think about buying a focus to summon a specific spirit. A coin appeared from his suit and he walked it along his knuckles as he walked around, idly reexamining the summoning circle. "Silver and iron in the origins. Gem and the archduke of contracts to the conerstone...." He continued muttering to himself until he was back where he started. "Nothing left to do." He muttered to himself, a slight nervous smile crossing his face. His coin disappeared back into his coat jacket. He reached out with one hand, gathering his mana filling the summoning circle with the necessary power. His eyes seemed to glow with his power and he spoke out. "[i]Guerrier de longues périodes passées, je annoncer ma demande. Votre auto est sous moi, mon sort est dans votre épée. Conformément à l'approche de la Saint-Graal, si vous respectez ce sentiment, cette raison , puis répondre. Voici mon serment. Je suis celui qui devient tout le bien du monde des morts, je suis celui qui énonce tout le mal du monde des morts. Vous , sept cieux vêtus de trois mots de pouvoir, arrivez de l'anneau de la dissuasion, ô gardien de l'équilibre![/i] Smoke and sparks of fire rose from the summoning circle, making it impossible for him to see who he had plucked from their own timeline and forced to serve him in a fight to the death against other servants and Masters.