Viona looked up to the sky as Gilgamesh proclaimed his message to all who could hear him, the arrogant bastard. The Holy Grail War was located in London, a new refreshing change for the battlefield but it was abnormal, it was not meant to be simply. That was what she was told, by whom, she didn't know but it was right. All reports of the Holy Grail War ritual happen was located far from London, and interestingly enough was centralized particularly in Fuyuki City. But either way The Mage's Association would be arriving soon enough however, before they could get their chance, Viona had already gathered the necessary materials. She had already assembled them before hand, but how did she know that Gilgamesh would appear in London, she also didn't know besides the little nagging feeling in the corner of her memories. All she knew what to do here, was what she was standing on top of the Tower Bridge in London which crossed the river Thames of southern England. People were giving strange looks at her and dialing a number on their phones as she stood on top of the bridge but that didn't matter. On top of that bridge, and in the center of one of the walkways connecting the two, there was Viona. Her ingredients that were needed was already brought, as well as assembled with Viona looking down in front of where she stood. A circle of blood, with glass jars stained red filled with blood before but now discarded with their purpose fulfilled. Her right has raised, hovering over the circle, before her first world could even be heard the flow of prana could be felt as it knew what was happening. The flow of prana coursing in her body and veins were ignited in her before it started flowing out like a jug tipped upside down. The strain ebbed and flowed as she could feel her prana escaping her body, watching the effect of the ritual assimilate before her. The activity was distracting and a strange crawling underneath the skin sensation along with the internal warmth from within was definitely strange but did not take away from her priorities. The ritual was going along steadily, but progress would not bear its fruit just yet, something more was needed to be added but she already knew, didn't she? [i][color=lightblue]"I ask to the earth with a gentle prayer. I beseech to the earth with my humble offer. I summon forth the earth to answer my call. I am the herald for the earth, messenger of the great force of this planet which answers that it must be preserved!"[/color][/i] Viona said out loud as her circle, warped with energy, crackling every so often with the concentration of all the energy collected in one place. However, there was something else that cause the ritual to be even more particular. [i][color=lightblue]"I humbly ask once more the earth to beseech me its powers! Open (reveal). Open (reveal). Open(reveal). Open(reveal). Open(reveal) Ask every five times. Come forth once open and reveal yourself to me."[/color][/i] This ritual as atypical from each that she had recorded but what the voice insider head told her to do, she followed. As with each word, the ritual advanced bringing 'it' closer as 'it' approached. [i][color=lightblue]"Your self is under me, our fate and doom is in your hands. In the presence of this Holy Grail, if you follow this prayer not just from me but the earth itself, this command that calls out, then answer it and reveal yourself. Here is my prayer. I am the one who will usher the good back to the world, I am the one who banish out all the evil of the world."[/color][/i] Thrusting out her hands, the few last words were faintly said, as she said the last final words to her prayer in near silence to whoever came from her ritual. [color=lightblue][i]"You, seven heavens clad in three words of power, arrive from the ring of deterrence, O keeper of the balance ―――!"[/i][/color]