By the time he had arrived, the briefing room was already full of Spartans. As one of the last one's to arrive, he didn't waste any time attending to the pleasantries a few of the others seemed to crave. As far as he was concerned, they were just soldiers. Tools in the shed. All that had mattered was that they did their jobs. After all, as far as anyone knew, that was the sole reason that they were here. Upon entering the room, Avis shot the woman in maroon and gold armor an passing glance. He moved within inches of her as he silently went on to weave his way around the others. Without so much as an attempt at greeting any one of the Freelancers, Alaska meandered to the back of the room. Where he subsequently leapt up onto a large crate before crouching upon. Like and bird upon a perch, the Spartan idly let his eyes scan over the room's inhabitants from beneath his Recon helm.