[u][b]Tuner[/b][/u] [list][*][b][u]Name[/u][/b]: Olivier de Plancy [*][u][b]Age[/b][/u]: 16 [*][u][b]Gender[/b][/u]: Male [*][u][b]Appearance[/b][/u]: [url=http://i.imgur.com/EUfBcdW.jpg]”... *twitch*”[/url] Fairly tall by average standards, with a resting bitch face. [*][u][b]Personality[/b][/u]: To call Olivier an outstanding human being would be, to put it simply, wrong. In a few words, he’s the kind of person who doesn’t really care about anyone but himself or his immediate social circle, and only helps others because he cares about how people think of him. In a few more words, he doesn’t make a habit of intervening unless someone asks him to. While he doesn’t care about or feel any sort of obligation to help people he hasn’t met before, he [i]does[/i] care about how people view him can’t stand it when people hold him in contempt, look down on or laugh at him. Although he’s better about it now, his anger issues were at the point where he used to just lash out whenever he felt like he wasn’t being taken seriously. He’s good enough at sympathizing with others who’re looked down upon, and is definitely more inclined to lend a helping hand of his own volition when it comes to those types. Olivier’s also pretty comfortable with ignoring the rules when it benefits him, but doesn’t like doing it when it’ll have negative repercussions on people who haven’t offended him and because there’s a chance he could get caught. In that respect, having a Receiver is good because it means he’ll do it a lot less than usual (probably). He doesn’t like it when people lie to him, despite being perfectly fine with doing it himself. Yes, he knows how hypocritical this is. No, he probably won’t change if you point it out. He also doesn’t like it when people bend the rules to the detriment of others, but this is something he’s not willing to do because he’s “better than a filthy politician”. In regards to his personal growth, he’s surprisingly unconcerned about his own strength. He likes feeling and being strong - who doesn’t? - but he doesn’t really go out of his way to pursue power. He [i]can[/i] put a lot of effort into it if motivated properly, though. [*][u][b]Type[/b][/u]: Ability-Type [*][u][b]Ability: Barrier[/b][/u] - The ability to create and control force fields of various shapes and sizes, with durability proportional to the amount of energy put into constructing them and control proportional to the amount of force fields in question. While it can’t make Escheresque, alien geometry, it’s capable of making a field in pretty much any simple 2D or 3D shape and then moving it around. Though it may not seem so at first glance, it’s definitely a very versatile ability. [*][u][b]Skills[/b][/u]: With quite a few years of savate and fencing (esp. sabre) under his belt, it’s safe to say Olivier knows how to handle himself in a fight. He is also a multilinguist, capable of fluent French and passable English and Japanese, and has developed superb anger management skills as a result of his adoptive mother’s tutelage. As a result, he’s mostly capable of being kind of normal when he’s made the butt of a joke or when someone does something that offends his sensibilities. He’s also very efficient in the sense that he’s good at determining and using up exactly how much is required, whether that be stamina for an errand, the efficacy for a strategy, or aether for his ability. Which is good, because he doesn’t want to put too much effort into things he doesn’t really want to do. [*][u][b]Brief Backstory[/b][/u]: Olivier definitely has issues with his biological parents. They went through all this trouble and then just ended up leaving him to become Someone Else’s Problem. Though he would later be taken in by a decent-if-caustic Aether researcher due to his Tuner status, he didn’t have much of a fun time as in an orphanage. Because he was a bit of a scrawny, weak-looking kid, he would often serve as the chewtoy for the older, bigger kids. Most of his personality can be chalked up to experience there, from his semi-confrontational attitude to his apathy for others. Fortunately, he’d be adopted a bit after he became ten years old and has managed to live a bit of a normal life. Now that he’s old enough, he’s packed his bags and moved to Japan to attend Akiyama-Kreuz Academy at the behest of his adoptive mother. [*][u][b]Receiver[/b][/u]: [/list]