Imogen breathed a sigh of quiet relief when Levi interjected. This Rusttorch fellow was more than a bit unnerving and she was thankful for an out. She accepted his help off the ladder and took a seat with the rest of her new crew. She was fairly certain they were one short from who she had seen at the bar last night, but she wasn't entirely sure and quickly turned her attention to Levi's rules, listening intently as Brigid hopped from her shoulder and onto the table. She was actually pretty relieved. Levi had far less rules than Elliott had back at the dockyard and they all made sense. She chuckled as Tyra gave her warning about making passes at her. She was glad that she wouldn't be the only girl on the ship. Not that Levi really gave off much of a threatening vibe, but she was still glad to have another female aboard. Especially one with a take-no-shit attitude. [color=00CC00]"Hello, everyone!"[/color] she said once Tyra had finished. [color=00CC00]"My name is Imogen. I'm an engineer and have been for nearly my whole life. Travelling with Captain Levi has basically been my dream since I was little, but that won't stop me from doing my best and keeping this ship in top condition and I really look forward to working with you all! Oh! And this is Brigid."[/color] She stroked her falcon's head.