[quote=@Bright_Ops] [@Romero] Updated Tushienia a bit. Cut off the fat as it were. Honestly I misunderstood that army units counted as traits. [/quote] Do they, or don't they? I was confused about the same topic. Since they're not explicitly labelled 'traits,' I was inclined to think they didn't count. Doesn't seem like it'd make a lot of sense for some categories either; many traits are made redundant (needing to select & spend both on 'type' and 'unit'). If you spend a trait point to buy the "Controlled Flight" ability, it doesn't make much sense to spend another on "Dirgibles" because it's already a given that you'll have them and can make an air force. As another example, if you buy the trait that allows you to take walkers, buying walkers themselves in "units" with another trait point makes no sense - you already bought the thing that 'allows' them to exist. Also [@Romero], under Military Units, there are a few duplicate entries - units from light infantry to arquebusiers repeat before getting to the magic and tech-savy stuff.