"Music? That's awesome. I like music as well. Honestly, if not for my love of art, I would have chosen it as my major." He nodded at her explanation of why she loved music so much. How it always helped her with her angerment issues, "I know how that is. Art is that way for me. I went through a, sort of a depression I guess, when I was sixteen. Art is the one thing though that kept me together. I don't know what I would have done if I didn't have my artwork." He looked up and smiled at her. That expression on her face was so adorable. It made him grin all the more. Chuckling, he looked back down at his artwork after a moment and spoke, "So, about that trip you mentioned. Where are you going?" Annabella ran, the skies growing dark as night time came in, but all too soon, a snow storm began to blow, and the snow began to fall heavily, to the point where she couldn't even see five feet in front of her. She shivered, looking about nervously, her long blonde hair blowing about wildly, "No...no, no, no." She whispered, shaking her head, because she knew she was lost. Picking a random direction, she began to move that way, her speed getting slower and slowly until finally she had to stop, her body numb, and fell to her knees, curling up there like that, trembling and shivering. She felt horrible. She had wanted to help that little girl, to help the wolves, but now she wouldn't be able to. She couldn't even help herself right now. Wrapping her arms around herself, she sat there on her knees for another few moment before even they gave out and she layed there in the snow, so sure she wouldn't make it to see the next morning.