[@Hipster] So close to being accepted :P You just need to have the Bomber Unit, otherwise you won't be able to have an airforce. [@Bright_Ops] Your sheet looks all good now, you can post it over in the character tab and I'll add you to the map later today. [@Aristo] It's my mistake for not making it clear enough, but the easy way to think of it is that if you have to click a drop box to look at it, it counts as a trait. So Units and Army Type etc. all count as Traits. In your examples, think of Controlled Flight as being the knowledge of how to make things fly. Then Dirigbles allow you to use this knowledge to actually build the things. The same goes for Mechanical Walkers. And for Airforce Type, They Shall Fall represents your nations desire to have an airforce of Interceptors, you need to know how to build Interceptors to be able to make that desire a reality. I'll go back and try and make that more clear. And in terms of the repeated bit, I thought I managed to fix it last time I edited the first post, but I'll go back and take a look.