[@Tracyarmav] Elizabeth watched Dmitri work in awe. Though Mason could have been considered a professional medic, she'd never witnessed any type of workings first-hand. Whenever he had helped her after she'd been attacked by that werewolf, she was mostly too unconscious to realize what was happening. Dmitri tossed the leather strap toward her and she caught it effortlessly thanks to her quick reflexes. "Okay, mom, you heard him," said she, voice still but an entranced mutter. She held the strap to her mother's mouth rather forcefully, but Annalise still bit down on it as directed. It didn't take long for Dmitri to work and then finish. Elizabeth couldn't tell how painful it was just by her mother's expressions because Annalise had always had a very high tolerance to pain. For some reason, it felt odd to be on the helping end. From what Elizabeth could remember, she'd always been comforted by her mother. Then again, to say she was comforting her mother was an exaggeration, because all she could seem to manage to do was stare at her. Dmitri prepared a less than comfortable-looking bed in the back of his vehicle and then came back over to them. Elizabeth looked up at him and handed him the strap. "Thank you," she and Annalise said at the same time, both looking up at him. Elizabeth looked over to her mother with a small grin, but her mother did not look back at her. There was an eerie, creeping feeling that she had. It was noon, but the clouds made it seem like it was late in the evening. She heard thunder. That didn't help her growing fear at all.