[center][color=brown][h2]Clayton 'Clay' Radshaw[/h2][/color] [h3][u]Bad Ass Lycan[/u][/h3] [img]http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o567/Holy-Hunter/image_zpsiscszurf.jpg[/img] [hider=Canine Appearance] [img]http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o567/Holy-Hunter/image_zps8mburz8f.jpg[/img] 44" in height, 7.5' in length at 180lbs, he has Heterochromia iridium, one eye is a pale blue and the other hazel. He is a lean and agile wolf.[/hider] [i]"'Ain't nothing come for free' "[/i] Clayton is 6ft 180lbs and is naturally fit and muscular due to his lupine blood. [color=brown][i]Age[/i]:[/color] 32 [color=brown][i]Gender[/i]:[/color] Male [color=brown][i]Power Descriptions:[/i][/color] Clayton is a Werewolf and he despises and neglects his wolf form which stirs the beast within him. [color=brown][i]Skills:[/i][/color] Brawling Drinking Mechanical repairs Riding motorbikes Running Endurance [color=brown][i]Personality:[/i][/color] Clay, while a bit rough-around-the-edges is pretty care free and easy going guy. He can be a little arrogant and over confident and extremely head strong and stubborn at times. He is pretty quick to resort to violence or at least threats, the strike first ask questions later type. Character flaws aside he has a generally good heart and will make sacrifices for others. Behind his arrogance he doesn't really believe he is worth dirt, often denying his own happiness believing he must suffer for mistakes of the past. He's the kind of guy that trouble is attracted too. [color=brown][i]Biography:[/i][/color] Clayton is only his most recent name, he has gone by other aliases in the past such as Tyler Virth. Currently on the run from only 'god knows what' but that darkness always follows him. So Clayton runs and runs, only stopping to drink, fight and fuck before hitting the road again. [color=brown][i]Likes:[/i][/color] Whiskey Leather Motor bikes Women Fighting Tattoos The number 13 (Roughly in that order) [color=brown][i]Dislikes:[/i][/color] 'Intellectual' conversations Politics Wimps Sleeping His past Cats [color=brown][i]Fears:[/i][/color] Being trapped (claustrophobia) [color=brown][i]Weaknesses:[/i][/color] Short temper Pretty women Rejection to self happiness Low self worth [color=brown][i]Other:[/i][/color] [color=brown][i]Theme Song:[/i][/color] [url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Xj2B-R2ok_E]"[i]Made of Scars[/i]" by Stone Sour[/url] [/center]