[i]Tuner[/i]: Name: Kurihashi Keiichi Age: 15 Gender: Male Appearance: [url=http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=53684169]"You can relax because I'm on your side." He is about 5'7" (170cm). (Japanese site)[/url] Personality: Keiichi is a kind of person who doesn't like jokes, having absolutely no sense of humor, relying on topics that actually makes at least some sense in order to talk with people. Still, he is not the type to offensively ignore people, or defensively ignore people without reasons that can be easily explained. He is also an emotional person, with his minor emotions frequently appearing on his face, readable by anyone that bothers to look at his face. Type: Weapon Weapon: A two-handed claymore with the both ends of the guard being a sharp edge and the blade emitting a purple glow. The sword's hardness, sharpness, and brightness vary with the Synch Rate. Skills: Keiichi spends most of his free time drawing something, although the content can vary depending on the day. For example, it might be an anime-alike painting just a day after he drew an abstract painting. He is also good at sports to some extent. Brief Backstory: Keiichi was born in a rural part in Japan, being raised in a small community where everyone cares for others around them, especially the more active children, which prefers to play outside instead of playing games in their houses. Keiichi was one of them, forming bonds with others, which would've lasted for a long time if he wasn't a Tuner candidate. Being a candidate meant the community itself would actively encourage him to head to Akiyama-Kreuz Academy since there aren't many Tuners or candidates. He initially disagreed, but with his friends encouraging to head to the Academy, he had to accept and head there, leaving his friends there. Receiver: No comments