[hider= Condrein Guru (A Guru)] [b]Race Name:[/b] The Gurus [b]Racial Appearance:[/b] No hair, lots of tatoos, always seemingly smiling, very serene [b]Racial Traits:[/b] Incredibly smart, born from most races, are generally anti-violence [b]Society:[/b] Guru-ism is more of a disease rather then a race, because a Guru can be born to anyone. It's a lot easier to tell when a guru is born to some races then others, (A demon giving birth to a child with tatoos and no horns who is smiling, probably just gave birth to a guru for example.) Generally Gurus are allowed to live their life searching for enlightenment, and can if they wish live with other Guru's in the mountain homes, though if they refuse too, they generally become helpful advisors to small villages, or build up small followings [b]Name:[/b] Codrein [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Guru [b]Alignment:[/b] He wants balance, too much good will force people to starve because they can't afford to follow the laws, inversely, too much bad will punish those who are good. Everything finds peace in balance [b]Motivation:[/b] To experience everything, sex, drugs, death, murder, the sensation of lemon grass tickling the bottom of bare feet. The feeling of losing a loved one, he wants to experience every feeling the world has to offer [b]Role/Class:[/b] Cartographer, moral compass, and summoner. [b] Appearance: [/b] Stick figure with an arrow on his head. [b] Bio: [/B] Codrein is the Guru of magic and exploration, he has scoured the world to find the best powers out there. [b] My Wish: [/b] I just want to have fun [/hider]