[center][h2][color=Purple][b]The Kingdom of Soroya 1907[/b][/color][/h2][/center] [hr] [b]A Call to Arms[/b] [center][h3] Freedom under threat?[/h3][/center] [right][i]May 6th, 1907[/i][/right] As of yesterday Survaekom officials have announced an official state of war between Soroya, after being rightfully denied their claim to the entire continents of Serranthia, Sarelia, and Faresia. What many have called “an unreasonable demand to start an unreasonable war.” Soroyan President Kevin Notles simply commented saying “To give up these lands is to surrender Soroyan pride. The Imperial Restoration has shown only to be a pack of wolves hunting for sheep.” As of this week nations across the globe have begun mass mobilization of their industry and armed forces on a scale never before seen. Reports say that this war will be quick, others have denied these claims. Soroyan Generals have promised this war won’t last longer than the Soroyo-Anvegad Colonial War two years ago. An interview with general Naut Ranervelt renowned for his successful naval invasion of Soroyan Faresia in the Soroyo-Anvegad Colonial War has stated this “I can not promise a specific date or time when the bloodshed will end, but I can promise this, we will win. The sun never sets on the Soroyan Empire, and it will not be the Restoration that brings us into the dark.” Though no mass conscription plan has yet to happen, many experts speculate that it is only a matter of time before this occurs. Several posters can be found calling upon Soroyans to play their part and enlist today. [center][img]http://8fb80e.medialib.glogster.com/media/5eac7e272163561e7db01e17df11ba7fa0bacf57bdc679249b12b7f979b2f3db/we-need-you.jpg[/img] [i]Soroyan Propaganda Poster[/i][/center] [hr] [b]The Ekonian Games Continue[/b] [center][h3]The Ekonian Games[/h3][/center] [right][i]May 6th, 1907[/i][/right] After the recent declaration of war by Survaek, many feared that the Ekonian games would be canceled, but much to the surprise Kevin Notles proudly announced “The Ekonian games once stood above the terrors of war in the past, and so it will proudly stand against them today.” Invites have been sent across the globe and several nations have already accepted them, even nations in the restoration. However, several nations apart of the restoration have responded back shortly after informing Soroyan officials that they will not be attending this year, until the war is over. Strangely enough, Zellonia has also denied the invitation to the Ekonian games stating that their people care little for friendly competition. A shocking statement to many to say the least, however no officials have made any comments on the reply.