[img]http://imgur.com/hSu4sm4.png[/img] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VN9OQyr-PXE][Queue][/url] A success that saw to a woman clad in gown to dance. Beautiful hair, pale skin, thoughts underlying that Mai should only assume to be poor. Far more aware of her physical stature than she cared to say, the disappointment must have been somewhere within, even if it was visibly hidden well. The effects of the Duotine from the night before finally wearing off, the vasts amount of prana pouring from her skin alone could have been suffocating if it were much past that. Instead, a smile that slowly came from a genuine clarity, outside of the hints of the visible hallucinations past her eyes, accompanied tired eyes. That question was something that would never make sense to her in the end, but it was supposed to be agreed upon to seal the contract of sorts to truly be allowed to participate in this coming war. [color=#9966cc]"I am. My name is Mai Tsukigami. May I ask yours, ma'am?"[/color] Anxiety rose at the back of her neck, the slight burning sensation upon her palm prompted her to hold up her left hand, showing to the three glowing red circles filled with red runes. The bright red glow dimmed for the moment as she moved her hand down and chose to wrap one of the many bandages that she took along in the event of a Duotine [i]breakdown[/i] to slowly wrap around her palm and take to concealing it. It would be best to not allow others to see it as an in-case for the time being, no? And with that notion, now that she thought about it... Mai had begun to pick up the supplies that she had used, pill case dropped in her haste. It was rude to leave a guest waiting. Rude to leave a guest standing. There was a need to fulfill it. [color=#9966cc]"There's a seat over there. Heels are generally uncomfortable. Take a seat. Relax as possible, [i]if[/i] possible. Leaving you to stand there without offering some method to hospitality would ensure me to be an ass of an individual."[/color] [right][img]http://imgur.com/8BCDNNV.png[/img] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhxxzUNZi-A][Queue][/url][/right] The glowing lines ensured that she was aware of her place. Oh, one to take charge? This would be [i]fun.[/i] A tap of the lips came as she settled back into the shadowy hand holding her and hummed to herself. A Master that was so focused on preparations all of the time meant that she would find herself bored if she didn't change him...And where would that leave her to spend her time? But since he was rather cute, it wasn't terribly hard to relent to answering his question -- in her own way of course, as she made notion to his words with a more playful tone than anything else. [color=#ff0000]"Master, you seem rather hurried. You should let me take some tension off of your shoulders instead for a while.~ Though...If you must ask, I will give you a hint, since you seem to be the type to like something to look into. [i]I am the first witch of Ireland. I do believe the common ideal is to refer to me as 'Caster' around your enemies?[/i]"[/color] And thus, she finally motioned for the hand to let her on her feet, taking a single step forward and taking this time to begin examining him to the fullest. Like a [i]predator[/i] sizing up her next [i]meal[/i], she wanted to see the intricate little details. Nicely dressed, a particular air about him -- noticable lack of reaction to her flirtatious tone...Different from her last Master in a few ways of such, but nothing she couldn't completely complain about. [color=#ff0000]"Shall you figure it out on the spot, or may I suggest a few more hints to that head of yours? You do seem like someone I'd like to get to know a bit more...[i]personally.[/i] It'd be a shame to be stuck with a dull man after so long, otherwise..."[/color]