[@Arisphadrel][@KabenSaal][@ArtifactCreator][@Ploxerdon][@Flamelord][@Cinderella Man][@Rtron] Jason pushed Chad forward causing him tor trip and almost fall. Chad quickly turned around and glared at the elderly man before Jason said, “The young lady asked you a question. It would be impolite to keep her waiting.” Seriously? All you’re doing is trying to impress her Chad thought before he sighed. “I was the one that opened the gate way and summoned you here. By the looks of your clothes I’m guess you’re a caster class heroic spirit,” Chad said before he continued, “as for me I’m your master in this war. However, I wish to not be called master. It’s too creepy to me so just call me Chad. Also, please don’t think of me as your master either. We’re allies in this war so if you don’t mind. Just think of me as an ally, ok.” Chad extended his hand out to shake her hand. Both the heroic spirits and mages would feel a tremendous amount of magic surrounding them before they were engulfed in a stream of golden light. When the light dissipated the spirits and mages would be standing in a large dining hall with the tables full of various foods. Sitting at the foot of the tables was Gilgamesh who smiled at their arrival. “My entertainment has arrived,” he said as he stood up and raised his hands and added, “Welcome to the Holy Grail Wars my gladiators.” This is where many of the mages who’ve studied the grail wars would release that there were more than seven heroic spirits in the dining hall. “Now that you’ve summoned your spirits, the time has come for battle. However, I’m a gracious king and so the battle will not begin till tomorrow. Therefore, let use hold a fest and have a good time because once tomorrows light comes: you all will spread blood across the arena,” Gilgamesh said before he raised his cup.