[color=ed1c24][b][h3]Dmitri Pavlovich[/h3][/b][/color] [@mewgirl99] [color=f7941d][i]I'd forgotten the strap, I slip it into a pocket, I'd put it away later. That was the easy part, now to get her to a hospital and checked in without any actual papers, that'd be interesting, but I'd done it all before, just not without it being on Uncle's to do list, I hoped that wouldn't complicate things. I ask Liz where she want to ride on the way there and to help me get her mom into the car.[/i][/color] [color=ed1c24]"Don't thank me yet, this job's not done yet. Liz I'll need your help getting her into the car, do you want to ride in the back with mom?"[/color] [color=f7941d][i]I don't really expect much help from Liz, due to her small stature, but it was important that she thought she was being helpful. I didn't need Liz breaking down into hysterics while I tried to get us all to a hospital. I gently help Annalise sit up, and give her a moment to brace herself, as I put one arm over my shoulders, and slide my own arm around her back. I heave up in a rapid, but surprisingly smooth motion, pausing to let Annalise get her footing, before walking/dragging her over to the car and helping her into the back.[/i][/color] [color=ed1c24]"Liz why don't you hop in and let mom rest her head in your lap, so she's somewhat comfortable on the ride, and you two can catch up or whatever you two need to do."[/color] [color=f7941d][i]I make sure they are situated as comfortably as possible, tucking the blankets around Annalise a little to help her stay warm after having been in the snow for so long. Then I carefully close the back hatch and slide into the driver's seat, the clouds had me worried as well, worried I wouldn't get to back to the hospital before a blizzard or something equally unpleasant hit. I went faster than was legal, calling ahead to the hospital so they'd have a stretcher ready. I picked up Chicago PD three blocks from the hospital, figures, I ignored them, and swung into the emergency room's drive through a little faster than most might have liked, but I stopped without hitting anyone else, popping the back hatch as I jumped out waving the nurses forward. I left the keys in the ignition and the door open, not that anyone with half a brain would think of stealing my car, assuming they recognized me of course. I helped get Annalise onto the stretcher, and told Liz to stay with her mom, I'd be in as soon as I dealt with the cop, now parked next to my wagon. [/i][/color] [color=ed1c24]"Stay with your mom, and don't let go of her hand, they'll work around you. Don't worry Momma's gonna be fine."[/color]