[u][b]6:30am (Warm-ups)[/b][/u] Tara and Zarketh arrived on time and eager to start training in the morning, it was a little earlier than Tara had gotten used to over the last few years but she had kept herself disciplined and it wouldn't take much to adjust to this new schedule. She didn't think much of the discipline of two of the other tamers as one arrived soaking wet and the other still wrapped in her sleeping blankets and required an encouraging burst of flame from her dragon to get started. Zarketh fumed and plotted payback after Porylucia's comment about the other tamers. The pair set off around the edge of the meadow, Tara setting a fast but steady pace. After only few minutes of this and a couple of tamers overtaking Tara, Zarketh pulled ahead of her impatiently. [b][i]I know you can move faster than that.[/i][/b] [b][i]You also know I'm pacing myself, there's no point sprinting now and not being able to run at all later.[/i][/b] Zarketh sent back some rather uncomplimentary images and thoughts on the theme of Tara being slow and lazy and embarrassing Zarketh by letting the other tamers beat her. Tara growled something under her breath about children and sped up. Zarketh sped up in response, taunting her and soon Tara was running flat out. [b][i]That's better. Shame you still can't keep up with me though.[/i][/b] Unused to being inferior in anything physical and thoroughly infuriated by Zarketh's immature taunting, Tara drew on some reserve of strength she hadn't known she had and sped up again, closing the distance between them in a second and leaping onto the dragon's back, only just managing to get a grip and avoid tumbling over her head. [b][i]What was that?[/i][/b] Tara tried to make sense of what just happened while Zarketh continued running, feeling a little surprised but mostly just smug. [b][i]Tell me what you did![/i][/b] Tara insisted, shaken. She didn't like being surprised by her own body. [b][i]I didn't do anything, not deliberately at least. When a dragon bonds with a human they usually transfer some specific ability along with access to their mind and mana. It seems yours was speed, maybe you will be able to keep up with me after all.[/i][/b] Reassured that the change was normal for a new tamer and unlikely to be the first of many, Tara jumped down from Zarketh's back and continued running alongside her at a more normal speed. She wondered what the limits to this new skill were, there was a slight ache in her legs that was different from normal but otherwise she felt the same. How long could she keep that speed up for? [b][i]I felt something when you ran. It was similar to the drain of energy when I do the same thing, but less. Then perhaps the limit is on how much energy I can take from you, I wouldn't want to tire you out and leave you vulnerable in a fight. I think it would take a lot to do so, you need a lot less energy to move than I do, you are so small.[/i][/b] Tara smiled a little at the affectionate insult. [b][i]We'll have to find time to test our limits. Not now, it sounds like we're both going to need our strength for the rest of today.[/i][/b] [u][b]3:00pm (Magic Training)[/b][/u] Tara listened carefully and nervously to Merrik and Nova's explanation. Everything they had done so far relied on skills she already had, even if she was applying them in very different circumstances. Balancing on Zarketh's back while she did her best to throw her off was a lot harder than moving between and balancing on stationary objects. She would have several new bruises in the morning. This was something completely new, she didn't have any previous experience to draw on and she was aware of the destructive potential of uncontrolled magic. She could hurt someone, she could hurt Zarketh. They had only been together for two days and that thought already terrified her. [b][i]That won't happen. You have a sharp mind, and I won't let you lose control either.[/i][/b] Tara took a deep breath and calmed her mind, she could do this. She would focus and work at it like every other skill she had learnt and she would succeed. Merrik ended with a magical light show and the tamers spread out, Tara picking a spot a good distance away from everyone else. [i]Right. Understanding.[/i] She knew how to start a fire and how to put one out but she had never really thought about how it [i]worked[/i], it not being of practical use to her before; she would have to rely on Zarketh's instinctive understanding. The two reached out to immerse themselves more fully in each other's minds, Zarketh focusing on her memories of breathing fire. Tara let herself become Zarketh for the second time, only holding back a small part of her own identity. She felt what it was like to breathe fire, to direct it to her will. She tried to tease out everything Zarketh knew about fire and used without actually thinking about it. She knew she needed to be more aware than Zarketh was to have control, she wasn't born to this like a dragon. When she felt like she'd gained everything she could she reluctantly pulled back to her own mind. She had learned a lot in a short time, she just had to hope it was enough. According to Nova the next step was mana. Zarketh drew her attention easily to the pool of energy within the dragon that she herself used and Tara tried to reach out to it, touch it in some way. [b][i]Nothing. How do you use it?[/i][/b] Tara asked, frustrated after a few minutes of trying with no results. [b][i]I can't explain it, I just do.[/i][/b] No short cuts there then. She forced her mind to relax again and let herself become familiar with the energy. It took awhile but eventually she felt a connection and mana flowed through her mind and body in a sudden rush that shocked her into inaction until a nudge from Zarketh brought her focus back and she restricted the connection and stopped the flow. The power raced around her body, crackled under skin. It made her feel hyperactive and powerful, she felt a strong urge to release it, use it. She resisted and spent a few minutes just getting used to the new feeling and making sure she was in control of it, not the other way round. Then she focused on what she knew about fire and what she wanted to create, the mana responding eagerly to her wish and she let a trickle flow out of her and into a small patch of air in front of her. There was a sudden flash of light and heat as the air burnt and she took a reflexive step back and shut off the flow of power. A burst of approval, pride and excitement came from Zarketh who had been doing her best not to distract Tara while she was trying to control magick for the first time. She roared and sent a stream of yellow fire into the sky. Tara grinned joyfully back at her. [b][i]That was amazing![/i][/b] She spent the rest of hour practising and by the end she managed a steady flame the size of her hand hovering in the air in front of her.