After a rough take-off, Izzy had leveled off on the leftmost flank and Duchess' main engine hummed smoothly. It was a beautiful time for flying; there was no glare from the sun but it wasn't overly dark either. Izzy flew in silence. She had removed her headset after leaving Scotland as she was still a bit shaken up from the fight and wanted time to recuperate, and what better time to do so then while flying over the calm, flat ocean. She flicked a switch and a small green light lit up in response. Her fairly limited autopilot kicked in, keeping her nose level with the rest of the formation while she leaned back to rest her eyes for a moment. After hearing the nagging little voice blaring from the headset at her feet, Izzy picked up the headset and placed it on her head, drowning out the purr of the engine. She sighed before opening up her channel, and with a quiet but stern voice, Izzy reported in "Votyakov, flying smooth and level on our port flank. Hearing you five by five. Out." She didn't want a response, nor did she care if she got one anyways and she turned down the volume, leaning her head back on the leather headrest. After muting her mic she began to sing quietly to herself, her hands rested gently on the stick. She adjusted the throttle a bit after realising she was lagging a bit behind the group, but otherwise she was still in her aircraft, glancing to her right occasionally to examine the other planes in the squadron.