[center][u][b]The Year 1907[/b][/u] [i]May 8th-15th[/i][/center] [b]May 8th[/b] The [b][color=green]Republic of Deltora[/color][/b] Prime Minister Eduoard Geiger meets briefly with Soroyan President Kevin Notles at the Grand Palace in Sikea. They discuss at length matters of the [i]Sociatatem[/i]. Geiger leaves the same day, returning via rail to Evemont. [b]May 9th[/b] A [b]Factory[/b] completes construction in the [b][color=gray]Kalpian Republic[/color][/b], it will begin work in early June. [b]May 10th[/b] The [b][color=lightgreen]Empire of Sumaya[/color][/b] upgrades its theory on [b]Trench Warfare[/b], incorporating dugouts and strategic machine gun nests into its engineering corps. [b]May 12th[/b] The [b][color=green]Republic of Deltora[/color][/b] officially declares war on the [b][color=maroon]Grand Survaek of Empire[/color][/b], via its embassy in Foedinei. The embassy is put under guard by Survaekom military police. [b]May 13th[/b] The [b][color=green]Republic of Deltora[/color][/b] finishes a production run of 10,000 Vulcain Mk. II rifles, they are dispatched to army barracks around the nation. [b]May 14th[/b] The [b]Northwestern Desert Campaign[/b] begins when the [b]Surv-Akur First Army Group[/b] advances into [b]Deltoran Serranthia[/b]. [b]May 15th[/b] After some consideration, the [b][color=gray]Kalpian Republic[/color][/b] joins the [i]Sociatatem[/i] in declaring war on the [b][color=maroon]Grand Survaek Empire[/color][/b]. [hr] [center][b]Western Desert Campaign[/b] ([i]May 5th -- Present[/i])[/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/h69BLQw.png[/img] [i]WESTERN DESERT FRONT, MAY 1907[/i][/center] [indent][b]SOUTHERN FRONT[/b] The Survaekom city of Arkhaer suddenly becomes home to nearly 200,000 Survaekom soldiers. With different orders, the [b]Second Army Group[/b] and [b]Third Army Group[/b] embark on a week long disentangling, with the streets of Arkhaer only adding to the chaos as battalions and platoons fight through the cities residents to find their respective commands. 20,000 soldiers of the [b]Second Army Group[/b] disappear, only to reappear several hours later having accidentally headed east out of the city before realizing their mistake. A campaign initially intended to begin on May 5th has not yet begun well into the second week of the month. On the [b]12th of May[/b], the situation has relieved itself and the armies begin to move north. [b]WESTERN FRONT[/b] The [b]First Army Group[/b] under General Pjjokhat reaches the [b]Eerkhad River[/b], of which is heavily entrenched by the [b][color=green]Deltoran First Field Army[/color][/b] on the other side. The Deltorans, to the Survaekom observers are not on guard however, and several commanders object that a breakthrough across the river is possible. General Pjjokhat immediately orders an assault along the river near the city of [i]Mikus[/i]. [b][color=red]BATTLE OF MIKUS[/color][/b] The first battle of the war, the Battle of Mikus involved three Survaekom battalions crossing into the city of Mikus, the only position along the Eerkhad River that was easily crossed, considering a city sat on both sides of the river. Held by the Serranthians, the city was defended by a single infantry battalion with thirty Madsen A12 machine guns.[/indent] [center][img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-_3YZXz6KAc8/VC-ArDz-47I/AAAAAAAAfwk/3kIhJLNLDy0/s1600/00turks01.jpg[/img] [i]Survaekom soldiers entering Mikus, May 13th, 1907[/i][/center] [indent]On the morning of the 13th, the [b]155th[/b] and [b]156th Infantry Battalions[/b] entered Mikus, then found the Deltorans settled in along the city's eastern edge. The attack was short and bloody and indecisive. The Madsen A12 machine gun was vicious, with an interesting [i]tut-tut-tut[/i] sound, slower and more methodical than contemporary guns with a more menacing punch. The Survaekom's laid down heavy fire, but had the misfortune of being on the offensive. Considered a successful probing attack, General Pjjokhat was given key intel on the enemy, while General Leroux was alerted of the considerable enemy presence hours after the attack. At the end of the 13th, the Survaek battalions retreated back to the east end of the city, while the Deltorans stayed in position. [b]CASUALTIES[/b] [b][color=maroon]Grand Survaek Empire[/color][/b]: 4,543 soldiers (4,543 Rifles) [b][color=green]Republic of Deltora[/color][/b]: 1,911 soldiers (1,911 Vulcaine Mk. II rifles, 5 Madsen A12 machine guns) The attack on Mikus caused the population there to realize that the war was upon them. They began a mass exodus of the city, to the west, toward Khad. The [b]Republic of Samgola[/b] immediately sent word back to Evemont, requesting assistance in granting asylum to the refugees that would soon be flocking in. [hider=A Crisis of Concern (DELTORAN EVENT)] [[b]AID THE REFUGEES[/b]]: Citizens of the Republic must be aided, especially in times of war. We must help where we can, lest we be no better than the Survaekom dogs they flee. -- [b]Must allocate at least 500,000 Supplies to [i]Refugees[/i] before OCTOBER[/b]. -- [b]+5% Unity[/b] -- [b]Receive 2 Free Infantry Division's[/b] [[b]WE CANNOT HELP THEM[/b]]: We simply cannot feed half a million refugees. They are in our thoughts. -- [b]-5% Unity[/b] -- [b]+2 Liberty Desire for Samgolans[/b][/hider] [/indent]