[@Mad Scarlet] [@Skai] [@knighthawk] Tyler was about to acknowledge the red haired girls response, when the bulky male next to her stood up to make a proclamation. The man's green eyes swept back and forth across the crowd and his stance spoke of dominance. Tyler glanced briefly towards him and gave a slow, deliberate blink then shifted his stance so his back was facing towards him and resumed speaking as though the man hadn't said anything. [color=f26522]"Excellent- I shall be there."[/color] His eyes examined the girls red hair once again and he turned to move out of the way. The photographer girls stood behind him, and he nodded in her direction as he slid over. He heard the sounds of a frat boy flirting with seemingly everything within a radius around him. Tyler couldn't help, but listen in and after the figure had swayed off. He threw a bemused expression over his shoulder at The Night Garden booth and its occupants. Turning to leave, he caught the sight of the student council glancing at his direction, speaking amongst themselves. He raised his nose up haughtily and paced past them without paying them any further attention. - Taking a much more direct route home, Tyler washed himself off and changed into clothes more appropriate for class later. He took a seat at the folding plastic chair and table which housed his laptop and turned it on. He searched for the Quills and Quivers address and then turned to a report that was due later on that day.