[b]Servant[/b] The Servant's head tilted slightly at the confirmation of the call, with red lines displayed in the glowing brand of Command Seals to emphasize the point. That earned more of a smirk, amusement and mirth rolled into one and left to fester. Well then, this would be interesting, wouldn't it? "My true name doesn't matter to someone such as yourself, girl. But for my class, I am a Caster." Amusing, that. Her own Master would be a far better Caster than she could ever be. But without her here, well, there was no one to take the job from her. She would do her best to present a good showing for her. That said, she shifted slightly on her feet as Mai went about cleaning up the mess that she had left on the floor. It was another dance pose, seemingly something of a theme with her, even as she neglected to show the characteristics of humans at the same time. There was no nodding, no blinking, no rapid subconscious movements. It was all firm, precise, exactly as to show. "My gratitude, but I must refuse. I have no problem with standing for long periods of time. And who knows what sorts of unpleasant things have been left on that seat anyway?" Given the location she was in, she had her doubts about general cleanliness as a whole. And really, it didn't matter in the end. She would do her job, with or without her master to assist her in doing it. By impressions, she would definitely be shouldering the burden of this war. Before she could go on though, she felt, and saw, the swirling magic engulfing them, before a bright light deposited them somewhere else. Her eyes narrowed as she moved in turn, though she didn't attack. A quick look confirmed how many Servants there were here, and now that smirk morphed into more of an anticipatory grin. Oh ho, this was going to be interesting, wasn't it? She was sure to get a challenge from someone in here. But her attention turned to the man dressed in gold armor, as she listened to the affair at hand. So this was the one to orchestrate this war? Interesting. "Thank you, King of Kings," she said with a curtsy, as one might expect of someone of elegance and grace. "I will do my best to not disappoint." And to fulfill her masters wish in her stead. With the Grail, she could do that. And then all would be complete. [hr] [b]Master[/b] Alistair listened calmly as his Servant went about answering his question, revealing that she was of the Caster class. That was going to be interesting, and they would definitely have to be about setting up on a ley line sooner rather than later, to secure their position for the war ahead. At least before the others had a chance to do so. He watched as she sat back, resolving to look later. Surprisingly, he was not an expert of Irish history, but if she was who she claimed to be, then it wouldn't be too difficult to figure out. And if she was, then he had gotten lucky after all. Age determined power after all, and an Irish hero from that long ago....that could only work in his favor. If he could control his Servant anyway. At last she dismounted the hand, leading him to stand with his arms folded across his chest as she examined him. Meanwhile, he shook his head before providing an answer. "No. I will manage it." It was a pretty easy hint after all, and if he didn't know from that, no more hint would figure it out. There was no more time to comment on that though as he suddenly found himself, with his Servant, engulfed in golden light When it faded, he found himself amidst another group of people, with the King clad in gold standing before them. It did not take much effort to deduce that these were the other members of the Grail War, and while the number of servants would have been odd, the whole nature of this War was odd. So he wouldn't complain. He frowned then, hardly enthused by Gilgamesh's attitude. It might just be his Russian heritage, but he didn't exactly approve of monarchs, much less tyrants. But he couldn't anger him, not now. That would be too much of a risk. "Thank you," he relied calmly, doing his best to hide his feelings on the matter. Earning ire at this point would not be wise. So for now he would sit down, to begin the feast.