My first adorable vampire! I normally hate vampires but as long as they aren't pathetic like the twilight ones I don't mind. This is gonna be fun! [hider=Cythlla Vladmir] [center][img][/img][/center] Name: Cythlla Vladmir Age: above 200, looks 12 Gender: Female Race: Vampire Side: Dark, General of the vampires Weapons(s): Cythlla surprisingly enough can bring her teddy bear to life to fight for her. She can also use her own fingernails as claws to attack others with. Abilities/Powers: Unnatural strength, can turn into a swarm of bats but rarely does for fear of leaving her beloved teddy bear behind. For the most part Cythlla has all natural abilities enhanced along with some minor necromancy which she can use summon skeletal hands from the ground to keep her opponents still. She can also cast various curses. Those who are weak-minded will also become under her control and those she bites will become ghouls under her service. If she feeds her blood after biting a person that same person will become a vampire. Talent(s): Cythlla can lure in others thanks to her childish looks. Personality: Cythlla at first sight is a sweet and innocent little girl. However upon closer look she is major sadist who loves to torture others. She is a violent and mad person. Biography: Cythlla was born nearly 200 years ago into a simple farm family. Around the age of 12 her family was killed by some bandits. She was about to die herself if it weren’t for a vampire nearby who pitied her. Once she had become a vampire however her true personality came out. The poor vampire that helped her was unable to stop Cythlla as she killed him by ripping out his heart. This all happened within her first year of being a vampire. What happened to her after that is unknown. But she joined the Demon lord because she thought it would be fun. Extras: Her bear is named Jerry [/hider] [hider=Rida Proudsword] [center][img] [/img][/center] Name: Rida Proudsword Age: 15 Gender: Female Race: Human Side: Light, Princess Weapons(s): The main weapon that Rida was trained to handle was rapier. However she has trained herself in the use of a shovel as weapon despite the disapproval of her mother. Abilities/Powers: Nothing Talent(s): Rida loves to lay pranks for anyone in the castle. She has been known as a terror as some of her pranks are quite elaborate. Personality: Rida loves to play pranks on others within the castle. She will act like the perfect princess when infront of her father, but as soon as he turns around she will start playing her pranks and act like a child. Rida is also very spoiled, to the point where she can act like a brat. Biography: Rida was born to be a rather strong child. Some had actually cursed her for being the reason that the youngest prince was born so weak. As Rida grew up she proved to be quite the problem child. Her pranks started out simple. However her pranks became a bit more dangerous around the age of 10. Rida had laid a rather good looking pitfall trap for one of the maids. It succeeded and was hilariouse to her, however she broke the maids leg in the process. Since then Rida has tried to tone them down. Yet she has proven to be rather talented at laying traps. Since then she had been writing in a book to record her various pranks, and even planning traps should the need ever arise. Extras: Has a pet pigeon named Steve. [/hider]