The beautiful brunette reluctantly shook his hand. With amusement, he watched his bigger hand envelope her smaller hand. "Terry," She replied. "Um, yeah actually. Did anyone else make stuff fly randomly?" "Nice name, fair maiden." He replied with a grin. "Is it just Terry, or is that short for something?" He listened to her, then smirked. "Nah, mate. But I did have some weird experiences with water. Does that count?" The younger girl spoke up ,and with that, Sage turned to face her. He listened to Tia's introduction, then her explanation of the hospital. The story was quite peculiar. How could needles mess up like that? It wasn't normal and it was in fact, abnormal. He shook his head, sighing. "Well," He said as he gazed at the younger girl. "Sorry to hear about your experience at the hospital, but it's nice to meet you." He then added, "When I was in the hospital, the fluids kept either randomly disappearing, or appearing. It was the craziest thing. Sometimes the water would be cold, then it would warm up. It confused the heck out of the doctors. To be frank, it was hilarious, yet freaky." Just then, the bus stopped, and a man with dark hair, deep set blue eyes, and olive skin, walked onto the bus. Sage stared for a moment, then raised an eyebrow. He couldn't be older than twenty-five or so. Was this an instructor of theirs? As if on cue, the man began to speak. "Hello. My name is Xander and I'll be an instructor at your new home. You're all five minutes away from Darkwood Academy, a school for special beings. You all have a potentially dangerous ability that sets you apart from the rest of society so we have taken the liberty of bringing you here to learn how to control that ability. Please stay seated and hold any questions until I permit you to do so. Upon arrival, I will explain a few rules and you will head into the building. There you will receive a dorm number, a set of rules and thus be guided to the cafeteria for some breakfast." Sage eyed Tia and Terry, and he raised an eyebrow. This guy was ripped. He was beginning to wonder what kind of academy they were going to and if all of the instructors were like this. He sighed, leaning back, then waved his hand and said, "Ello, mate." Just then, the bus doors opened once more, and the sound of gunshots pierced the air. Sage jumped and inhaled sharply, his eyes widening. He glanced around at the buildings, which were precipitated and run down. There was dead grass as well as leaves scattered across the ground. Stop signs were torn off and had been strewn around the neighborhood. There was a series of gunshots, then a piercing silence. He felt his heart jump and wondered who the hell they were picking up. Was it some gangster? He didn't have to wait long, because there was a shadow, and then a silhouette faintly outlined on the bus. A girl with long, straight auburn hair walked onto the bus, wearing a black tank top with a gold skull, leather black pants, spiky combat books, and fingerless leather gloves. On top of her head was a black beanie, and a black hoodie. She took off the hoodie and shook her head, fixing her beanie which had slid off of her head. Sage saw a bit of lace in the back of her tank top and slits, and that she was wearing gold jewelery. Why it had slits, was beyond him. Her arms were also bulked with muscle, but in this area, it didn't seem out of the ordinary. But she was so little, that it was almost comical. Finally, she looked up and smiled sweetly. "Hi!" _______________________________________ Willow eyed the students on the bus, then looked up at Xander. She had heard the introduction and hadn't immediately walked onto the bus yet so she hadn't interrupted. "Hi," she greeted friendlily. "How are you?"She ducked underneath his arm. White wings were faintly visibly against her back, but only faintly. She glanced around and looked outside, hearing more gunshots. "The harmonious sound of gunshots," She mumbled with a sigh. Willow sat down, biting her lip. That had to be Rowan's group. As if on cue, her phone began to vibrate. Will took it out and glanced at the ID and shook her head. He would call her now, when she was on the bus with the new students and what appeared to be her instructor. Why could he not take no for a darn answer? She wasn't interested. All she could think was that this wouldn't be a good first impression. Then again, she could be a loner again. She wouldn't mind too much... Embarrassed, she sat as close to the window as she could and turned her back to the window and hit ignore. The phone went silent, then began to vibrate again. Willow could have groaned. She hit ignore once more and set it to silent and put it back in her pocket. She'd deal with that another time. Willow shut her eyes and kept periodically glancing at Xander, then away. Some murmurs from around her caught her attention. "Is this girl a thug?" A girl whispered. "She looks like she's in a gang." "Maybe. She seems like a leader." A boy responded back. Willow looked up, annoyance rising. The duo were behind her, yet were unable to keep their whispers quiet. She cleared her throat loudly and looked over the top of her seat down at them. "Excuse me." She said, eying them. "But it's not nice to talk about others, especially when they're around. Do you mind keeping it down, please?" Then, pausing, she considered expanding it, and decided to. She didn't want to be known as the thug or gangster. "And if I was very well in a gang or was a thug, it wouldn't be smart to talk about me like that now would it?" Willow sat back down, unable to keep a slight smirk off their face at their incredulous expressions. She then folded her hands and leaned against her chair, satisfied at their silence.