It wasn't until they had slid neatly into a cab that Alice pulled her face back away from her father's chest. Her pulse was still racing but her breathing finally began to slow. She had to trust his word that she was safe. Feeling her eyes dart around the dark interior of the carriage, she glanced at Jack, her mind unable to process the expression on his face. Feeling uncomfortable with the rawness of emotion, she looked away, back to her Sebastian. This was safe. Within moments of calming down, her body gave out, releasing her mind into the darkness of unconsciousness. --------------------------------------------- Jumping as Josephine patted his cheek, Elijah gave her a half smile, knowing that this wouldn't be the end of it. "If the alarm is going off, it means they got close enough to the exit to alert the other guards. They're out." He said, picking up speed to keep pace with the woman in the lead. Shouts behind him made him forget the dangerous situation at hand and the repercussions he was going to face later. A full on grin formed on his lips as his breath puffed out between them. "They're definitely out.." With a laugh, he veered away from the road and took the lead. He knew these woods and could get them home faster than a carriage would. "Follow me." Releasing her hand, he ran with easy strides over the dark, uneven terrain, trusting that Josephine would keep up.