[u]Servant[/u] From the cloud of smoke, a [url=http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/paladind_6742.jpg]man[/url] stepped forward. His sword was sheathed, and on his opposite hip an ivory horn sat, ready to be blown. He towered over the sniper, his cold blue eyes staring at Tatsunoko. "So you are the one who summoned me." A grimace came over his face. "I have two barbarian languages in my mind I did not have before. That is an insult enough. But you have also drawn me from my companions in their greatest time of need. That makes it worse. However, the cause you have brought me here for is worthy enough of a cause that I will forgive your arrogance in assuming you have me at your beck and call. I am Roland, Champion of God and first Paladin of Emperor Charlemagne. I am here to serve whoever I deem worthy enough of my servitude." He looked around, spotting the various bodies that lay in the park. His hand tightened about his swords hilt for a moment, looking upon the dead innocents, and then he returned his gaze to Tatsunoko. "Boy. Who killed these people?" He took a step closer, aggressively invading the personal space of his so called 'master'. Bending down he met Tatsunoko's eyes. "I won't ask again." The glowing light caused him alarm for the briefest of moments but from what the man, Gilgamesh, said there wouldn't be any fighting yet. He gave all his opponents the briefest glances, and then returned his attention and look to the one who summoned him. He would have his answer, one way or another. [u]Master[/u] Corbet gave a soft chuckle, looking over his spirit. He took it all in. The messy hair, the worn aviator's jacket, the boots. [i]We can't be more differently dressed if we tried.[/i] He thought idly before responding to his spirit. "I am the one who summoned you here. Impressive or not, I'm the one you have to work with." He took a step closer and extended his hand, smiling up at the man. "I'm Corbet..." He paused, then shook his head. "My last name doesn't matter. A pleasure to be working with you...?" Before he could get his answer, their venue changed. Corbet glanced around in alarm, it only growing as he noticed there were far more Heroic spirits there than there should have been. He merely sighed as Gilgamesh spoke, glancing to his spirit. "There are more spirits here than there should be. And I do not doubt that our 'host' has many other things planned beyond this new little twist. Be on your guard." He grinned up at the man. "But in the meantime, lets enjoy the feast shall we? Can't have anything better than a paid for dinner from the King of Kings."