~[color=00aeef]Servant[/color]~ Without particularly listening to Corbet, the man kicked back into a chair to relax. "[color=00aeef]I don't particularly care for the festivities, a bit too careful for my own good, I guess.[/color]" He looked at his supposed Master with a slight squint, flicking the toothpick off to the side of his mouth. "[color=00aeef]I'd rather not reveal my name in the open air. Simply refer to me as Rider around others.[/color]" Rider scratched the back of his neck lightly where the hair was short. This Master didn't look particularly strong, but he'd learned long ago to not judge based on appearances. He just hoped dearly that he would gel well with him in combat. With a slight gesture, he motioned for his Master to seat himself next to him. It was a bit uncomfortable to just have him standing there as he lazed in a chair. ~[color=f9ad81]Master[/color]~ As Baraka held his kneeling position, the only thing that went through his mind after being suddenly hugged by the spirit that he summoned from the circle before him was: [i][color=f9ad81]Should I...hug back, or?[/color][/i] He decided that the best course of action was to say something first before moving, maybe to avoid wrath. "[color=f9ad81]This, uh. This isn't the most formal meeting between Servant and Master, is it?[/color]" A slight chuckle ended off his sentence, deciding that it was best to stay in good graces over it despite how weird the situation itself was. However, the scene was cut slightly short by a sudden change of scenery. Into the floating castle pioneered by Gilgamesh, the god among men as it were. Despite the condescending tone coming from Gilgamesh, his appearance excited Baraka. He simply oozed mystery and magic from his essence and no matter how terrible of a being he was, his existence was a testament to that which the young magus stood for. Deciding that it was worth it to sit down and enjoy the feast. He motioned for the Spirit he summoned to sit next to him so that they might converse a bit as the fest went on, hopefully to figure out why what had happened prior to them being summoned to the castle happened.