[color=ed1c24][u][b]Character by Kaalee[/b][/u][/color] ​ [img]http://www3.artflakes.com/artwork/products/259765/poster/e7149ed4a12b2af6dbdb78f764cd53ab.jpg[/img] Full Name: Katalina Bathory-Nadasdy Nickames/Alias/AKA: Katalin, Kata, Lady Death(Usually by Giovanni) Age: 416 Gender: Female DOB: 1594 Occupation: Mythology Teacher Race: Reaper Fae Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Golden Height and Build: She is 5'6 with an hourglass build Other Appearance: She has tattoo on her wrist, where if you look at it one way it says death, and the other it says life. For the most part, she has a generic Slavic accent, but when she gets angry it becomes very Romanian History/bio: Katalina was born to Elizabeth Bathory and Ferenec Nadasdy, the third daughter in her family and the third of seven children over all, although she was the only Reaper in the family other then her mother. Her father and the rest of her siblings were Cervians, and such died long before Katalina was ready for them too. Katalina was born to a father who was gone more then home and even when he was home wanted nothing to do with his female offspring as they couldn't be soldiers, they couldn't inheirent, and they couldn't marry the Prince and all the other eligable men were either related to them or below their status. He hated Katalina especically since she was a Reaper like her mother, a species which he detested. He died when Katalina was still living with her mother but she couldn't find it in herself to care very much. Katalina's mother on the other hand, while not your typical mother, was very close to Katalina since they were both Reapers. Her mother somehow kept them wellfed, which Katalina didn't question, since she was young and naive. This is something Katalina has hated about herself since her mother's death. Elizabeth Bathory was in fact the bloody countess who took up to 600 lives. Elizabeth hadn't wanted Katalina to have to be burdened with finding food, like Elizabeth herself was, since they were so far removed from the common populace and didn't have easy access to the only thing that sustained them. Eventually her mother was caught, and while she wasn't intentionally sentanced to death, she was locked up and therefore starving her. After her mother's death, Katalina ran away to Poland with her mother's sister, who was also a Reaper but one who learned how to be inconspicous. They lived together for many years, travelling throughout the world together. Eventually they chose to part, Katalina going back to Europe while her aunt decided to go even farther East and find new worlds to discover. Katalina stayed in Russia for awhile, before going through her homelands, ending up in Italy for awhile. It was in Italy she met the first love of her life. Love had never occured to Katalina, for everything seemed so fleeting and she was Death herself. Giovanni was human, an artist who claimed that bronze hair and bronze skin was too familiar and that he needed her to pose for him or he would die. For ten years she loved him and then like all humans he died, stabbed in the chest by a man who was crazed by the shine of the gold in Katalina's purse and the sparkle of diamonds on her neck. In desperation Katalina revived him, killing Giovanni's killer in the process. Giovanni was not mad, but he convinced her to reverse it, claiming that Katalina may be God's tool in retrieving souls but that does not mean she can choose to take one and not the other. So she gave him his wish and reversed the process, no matter how much it killed her inside. She then proceeded to torture the man for the rest of his natural life, careful to not kill him or let him commit suicide. After Giovanni, Katalina removed herself from the population for awhile. She fed only when necessary and let herself mourn. Eventually she returned to society, but she was in no way the person she was before. She no longer cared, simply put. She made her way to France, and manipulated the politics heavily. She would kill on a whim and bring back just as easily, occasionally doing this several times a day. Finally, the Guardians intervened and sent a task force to deal with her. The head of the task force being someone she thought long dead, none other than Giovanni himself. It turns out the bastard was on a regular supplement of vampire blood, and after he came back to life he decided not to come find her. Instead he became a Guardian and Katalina was pissed. She evaded the Guardians this time and got herself back together but Giovanni kept hunting her down. Eventually she decided to do a plea deal with them, and they sent her to this stupid college to teach. Unfortunately they also sent Giovanni to keep an eye on her. Family/Relationships: Her Aunt, Catelle, is around somewhere, they stay in contact Giovanni the Asshole is around as well. Other/Extra: I say mythology because I have no other way to describe it but basically she teaches courses which explains what is actually fact and what is actually fiction in their world. It's basically history mixed with a course in political correctness.