[quote=@c3p-0h] hmmm, gotta think of the options then…………… could touch the circle, interact with the snake, pull the others away from the circle, bolt, throw a felidrake at the snake, stab the snake, stab spook, stab alex……… and so many more to choose from…… hmmmmmmmmmmm………………… any hint-like thoughts, oh masterful gm? [/quote] Wait, wha?! No! I thought Meryn was nice! :lol. And, if you throw a felidrake at the snake-lizard-hydra, I feel sorry for the poor animal. [quote=@Mokley] So here we pose an important question: How much do you trust Spook? :) [/quote] Depends, faced with a giant three headed snake lizard, I think I'd be too shocked to do anything anyway. But, if I have my left hand in the circle, I can draw my sword, if I have my right hand in the circle, I can draw my shield, if I have both hands in the circle, then I'm probably screwed. With either of the hands in the circle I can draw my pistol. Options options.....