It's hastily done, badly thought out, and generally regrettable in retrospect but for anyone who isn't overly familiar to this site, by the welcome to you, my name is Yahtzee and how are doing today? Well my name is just Yahtzee. Not Yahtzee How Are You Doing Today. Where was I? Oh yes that post. Well I posted. Wow that was simpler than I thought it would be. Anyway I should probably have spent a bit more time on that but I had to slip it in at work because I'm not going to get a chance to do anything until like late-afternoon tomorrow. Also, and I am totally making excuses here, I feel pretty ill so don't be too harsh on that poor, pathetic, post although if it really is illegible then I don't know. I'll take it down with tears in my eyes and holy effing bluebottles I need to stop being so bloody off topic whenever I'm at a keyboard. I'm off. I mean it. No more. By the way did you know that a pigs...