[color=f1ce24][center][h3]Meera Rajan[/h3][/center][/color] [color=f1ce24]AGE:[/color] Thirty-Four [color=f1ce24]SPACE AGENCY EMPLOYING:[/color] ISRO [color=f1ce24]MISSION ROLE:[/color] Data Architect [color=f1ce24]APPEARANCE:[/color] Meera stands at 5'2" and carries an athletic build. She wears dark, shoulder-length hair which is typically formed into various buns in order to appear taller. When not working, she will most likely be found in sportswear due to the high fitness calibre of the program, using her free-time to exercise. Though her down-turned mouth makes her appear quite serious, Meera also bears strong facial features such as her straight eyebrows and nose. To balance this, horn-rimmed glasses are frequently donned upon her brown eyes at most times. [color=f1ce24]PERSONALITY:[/color] Even if she finds it difficult to be social, Meera is viewed as a helpful and caring woman. However, she will do most tasks with a hidden agenda in mind. Though not dangerously mad by any regard, she acts for the future, saving debts in case strings need to be pulled. Ambitious and striving for success, Meera fears breaking the appearance of a seemingly friendly personality, and struggles with the idea of having to be in such close quarters with her new teammates. Capable of creating relationships, most of the time people are kept at an arm's length. Generally, around those who know her well, Meera is described as sarcastic and relatively selfish, characteristics that she'd rather avoid in her work life. [color=f1ce24]BACKSTORY:[/color] I'll finish it up later!