**I'm okay with little minor controls like where Rena may move, I just ask you don't speak for her or try to kill her off without giving me a chance to react ^^** Rena perked up even more and grinned at the prospect of fetching more supplies; it was one of her favorite parts of the game, simply because it was such an adrenaline rush to get everything before the time limit. "The town's just southeast," She explained to Mary. "We can be there and back again before noon unless the group wants to push forward, and we can meet them up on the other side of the town. Chances are infected are crawlin' through the place. No need for the little ones to see me become..." She paused to glance at Elise and Sarah, "A stalker, should that happen afterall." She silently scoffed, recalling hearing Elise making a rude remark regarding her skills. Everyone knew the main character of the video game never died... at least, not until the very end of it in some cases.