[u]Servant[/u] Roland's eyes hardened. It was clear now that he had been summoned by a sinner of unknown evil and vileness. A boy at that. [i]What has the world become, that such wickedness is in a boy so young.[/i] "No, you stupid child. The circle does not require the sacrifice of innocents. You have summoned me, and you have left me with no choice." He drew his sword, raising it above him. "'A wicked man walketh with a forward mouth. Therefore shall his calamity come suddenly; suddenly shall he be broken without remedy.'" He swung his blade down with his full strength and speed, fully intending upon murdering his master. A scene was exactly what he was looking for, to show the others here that no sinner could withstand the might of his blade. He would have a short time to find someone of the master's here who wasn't a vile sinner. But first he had to kill this abomination, this murderer. [u]Master[/u] Corbet chuckled at his servant, finding it amusing that he was the one being told to sat down. "Caution will help us both win this battle, I suspect." He sat down, glancing at all the gathered people. "Quite the variety of Masters and servants. More than what had been in previous years." He glanced over at hearing someone quoting bible verses, only to see a very large servant trying to kill his master. "That's...unusual." Ah well. If he died, that was one less Master to deal with. If he forced his servant to stop, that would be one less command seal that the master wielded. "Nice to see that some competition is already being dealt with. So, lets get on with introductions then, shall we? I'm Corbet. French Mage. My servant is Rider. We're here to win the Grail, our wishes, and hopefully not die in the process. A pleasure to met you all."