[center][img]https://40.media.tumblr.com/f1e2aa9a0cf4b94c885bd320edb99583/tumblr_n1x9q3lhVi1r2mulko1_500.jpg[/img] [sup]"Uh... Pretend I said something impressive."[/sup] [h3][color=B0C4DE]Henri[/color] [color=708090]"Hal"[/color] [color=B0C4DE]Rainer[/color][/h3] 33 | 21 December | 188cm | First Class [hr][/center] [indent]Appearance: [indent][color=708090]With an overall disheveled appearance, it is hard for some people to believe that Hal is a man of intellect and not just some random vagrant who found his way into SOLDIER's base of operations. He wears whatever happened to be lying around the place --pray to whatever higher power you may or may not believe in that whatever he picked up is clean-- and the last time Hal property done his hair or beard is a mystery of the century. Lucky for him, Evangeline is around to cover for him and, unlike him, she has standards. He can be seen wearing the same old eyeglasses off-and-on; the only thing that not even Evangeline can convince Hal to throw away. Despite proclaiming that he prefers to stay indoors, Hal has tanned skin and a number of scars that were unlikely to have been made by indoor activities. It is true, however, that the only reason why Hal has any muscles to speak of is because it was the bare minimum required to pass SOLDIER training. Hal has brown eyes and equally brown hair with strings of gold; suggesting exactly how long the hair shaft has been sunbathing and how much Hal doesn't give a damn about hair care.[/color][/indent][/indent] [indent] Personality: [indent][color=708090]Hal is a man who never forgets to smile and never stops trying to bring a smile on others, though he is far from being an expert at it. He will take every opportunity to crack a joke, even if it's not actually funny, clever, or appropriate. He will also laugh at every joke, again, even if it's not actually funny, clever, or appropriate --sometimes even when the "joke" is not a joke at all. All in all, it's fairly easy to please the man. It is also likely why many think that Hal is a simple minded man. As much of a surprise it may be to some, Hal does have an IQ and EQ (emotional intelligence) greater than 0. He is a compassionate man, who cares deeply about the needy, his family, and close friends --although the latter two will always take priority above all else. He is especially empathetic towards and supportive of individuals who are determined to accomplish a difficult task, downtrodden, altruistic, and/or family-oriented. When something bad happens to his family or friends, Hal takes it personally, but when something good happens to them, he is just as happy for them as they are. Like many other scientists, Hal is a curious and adventurous individual not afraid of trying new things and not particularly opposed to change as long as it is beneficial to as many people as possible. Though he may not agree to every idea or belief, he tries to keep an open mind. As adventurous as he may be, however, this does not mean he enjoys placing himself in danger. In fact, he has a tendency to run and hide at the first hint of danger. Some may say he does this because he is a coward or because he is a pacifist --both are true, to a certain degree--, but the truth of the matter is that it was the most effective way to survive the slums when he was younger and it has been a hard habit to break. "But isn't that what we all do? Cover our ears, shut our eyes tight, and tell ourselves that nothing is wrong? People like to do that you know: we like to dream that we're not living a nightmare."[/color][/indent][/indent] [indent]Biography/Background: [indent][color=708090]Hal was born in the slums; a part of the city where the pariahs naturally migrated towards even before the war began. Normally anyone born in these slums and were not lucky enough to get a minimum wage job made a living in one of two ways: crime and prostitution. Sometimes both. Neither was what Hal's family wanted for him. Although it may have been too late for them, they all did what they could do for him to get out of the slums. Hal didn’t want to disappoint them, so he also did what he could do to make their dream come true. He studied rigorously for years and despite having no formal education, Hal managed to enroll into a university and, later on, work as a genetic engineer for a prestige organization. His career as a scientist took an abrupt turn when the monsters of destruction, which seemingly appeared out of nowhere, annihilated everything in their path: including the slum Hal came from. His family was slaughtered along with the thousands of other people. Hal had just barely completed the first few stages of grief when anger took over his mind and he decided that there was only one course of action: revenge. He'd find those responsible and he'll end "this" once and for all. Gravely concerned of the war's recent intensification, Hal's superiors agreed to Hal's request to transfer to SOLDIER as a science expert. Hal has been a family friend of the Dashelle's long before Evangeline came into this world. After Evangeline --who Hal dubbed "Bubbles"-- was born, he has been taking care of her like an older brother; when her parents weren't there for her, Hal was. People who know the two, however, would proclaim that it is the other way around: Evangeline was the one who's been taking care of Hal. A claim that Hal has no intention to outright affirm --he does have [i]some[/i] pride, you know-- or deny --he'd rather not lie, because he knows more than anyone that it is true.[/color][/indent][/indent] [indent]Weapon: [indent][color=708090]Hal does not like to fight and will do his best to avoid it, but if he is forced to engage in combat, he will fight using a scythe made out of bones and ice, which can be summoned at anytime.[/color][/indent][/indent] [indent]Skill Set: [color=708090] [list][*]Genetics [*]Medicine [*]Engineering[/list][/color][/indent] [indent]Ability: [indent][color=708090]Able to summon his weapon at anytime.[/color][/indent][/indent] [indent]Aeon: [indent][color=B0C4DE]Marzanna[/color] [indent] [color=0054A6]Blue[/color] [color=708090]&[/color] [color=000000]Black[/color]┊ [color=708090]Water & Death[/color] [indent][color=708090]Known as the "Aeon of Winter," Marzanna is best described as a corpse kept together by ice. This ice lich is a rather lanky giant with long talons and is thought to be a digitigrade based on "her" --or so they assume-- bone structure. Most of Marzanna's "undead" body is covered with a very extravagant, though somewhat tattered, black and dark blue dress protected by what seems to be armor made out of bones. Although a majority of her face is concealed by a black veil and a "skull helm" with large icicle like horns, scientists described her having silver hair and moonstone eyes with black sclera. Every inch of Marzanna, including her garment, is covered in frost, which glitters in the light.[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] [indent] Limit/Overdrive: [indent] [color=B0C4DE]Winter is Coming[/color] [indent][color=708090]Those not adequately protected, friend or foe, will freeze to death by the sudden arrival of a mighty blizzard. The dead are reanimated and act as Hal’s minions, attacking any remaining enemies.[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/QVJPa75.jpg[/img][/center]