~synopsis [hider=TL:DR] You wake up with no memory on a sandy beach. Unbeknownst to you, you are inside a computer program, Supercell. The end user can interact with the character and edit to the environment to their liking. The arrow leads them all to each other, and from then on, it's up to them to figure out what is real, and what isn't, and what they can to do survive. [/hider] ~insert char code [hider=Character form] Name: (Character's name; first and last please) Age: (16-50ish) Gender: (What do they see when they look down?(I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself)) Appearance: (What do they look like? Photos or words are fine) Personality: (What are they like to be around?) Other: (Any other notable features? [/hider] ~program parameters [hider=Rules] Follow general board rules No godmoding No powerplay No Mary Sues No flaming Pretty much, don't be a dick [/hider] ~thank you for using program '$uperceLL'. Evaluation period left: 29days ~current builds [hider=Edits] v1.1: added TL;DR [/hider]