[quote=@Exit] [color=ffffff]"I think we're all forgetting one thing..."[/color] Chase began, finally turning away from the woman and addressing everyone in the room. [color=ffffff]"Time of day is late. The sun is beginning to set and visibility will be low. If you're all going to do this you'll either have to do it now or wait until sunrise. As for me..."[/color] He returned to Sarah, pulling the handgun from it's holster and checking to see if it was loaded. [color=ffffff]"... I can handle myself so I'm headed out. I can't stand another second trapped in this damn building..."[/color] The last part was mostly muttered to himself. [color=ffffff]"Medical supplies was one of the items on your list? I'll see what I can find."[/color] He finished, sliding the chamber shut with satisfying "click". [color=ffffff]"I'll be back in a few hours at the most."[/color] He looked at every individual in the room and tagged a name to each face. [color=ffffff]"Hopefully I see you all back here then."[/color] Chase moved to grab his pack, give his weapons one last look over and head out.[/quote] Taggart sighed, with a tinge of frustration knowing the kid was absolutely right, but [i]really[/i] not wanting to go out there, as he went over to heft-up his old Mosin to join Chase, but found someone tugging at his leg, it was Gabel. He knelt-down, getting to the little girl's eye-level, [color=f6989d]"Where I'm going won't be very safe. You stay here with these people, and I'll be back in a couple of hours. I promise."[/color] He said, promising a safe return before leaving the girl in what he hoped was better care than had he just left her in that old house with those [i]things[/i]. Although he wasn't sure of everyone's specific medical-needs, he knew his own, and didn't want to make anyone think of himself as a liability by disclosing his... condition. As such, he wanted to make sure he got what he needed, and the only way to do that was to go. In the meantime, he popped a pair of asprin and chewed them down to fight-off the early signs of a migraine. He'd be able to hold it together for a few more days, no problem; his assurances to himself seemed empty.