[b] Near Relin [/b] "I could, I suppose grant one of your Natrelmon the Ice Type," the woman mused, "Would that be sufficient?" It was one of the few things that was truly in the scope of her power. She had partial governance over the element, sharing it with her counterpart and the Lord Seiryu, who ruled over the thunderous winter storms of the North, governing the elements that made up his wrath. "I can't guarantee that it would translate to any of its offspring though. I'm not sure what afteraffects that my powers my have on your Natrelmon." Bringing her hand up to her mouth, she breathed into it, a chill radiating outwards. Opening her once clutched hands, she held a small crystal out to Axel for him to take. It could bond with a Natrelmon's spirit, granting them the Ice Type.