Long ago two Races ruled over Earth: Monsters and Humans. One day a war broke out between the two races. After a long battle the humans were victorious. They sealed the monsters underground within with a powerful magical Barrier It's said the Barrier can be broken by the powers of  seven human SOUL's. But as fate would have it, no SOUL's have ever been collected in the many centuries that have transpired since the barrier creation. ... 201X Mt.Ebott A group of seven students from the nearby village went to the ominous Mountain for a field trip. Mt. Ebott is said to be haunted with the Souls of the humans and monsters who died during the war. It is also home to the only known entrance to the Underground a massive cave system covering miles upon miles with a wide range of ecosystems. This where the monsters now reside. The human children have found their way to the underground. And they will have to fight to survive if they do not want the monsters take their SOUL's, or can they find a way to survive without killing? Are the children Merciful? Or are they merciless killers? We will have to wait and see. [hr] [h2] RULES [/h2] 1. No god modding, no mary sueing it up, no meta knowledge without asking me first. 2. PM's will be important so keep an eye out for them, since I might give you a unique action or somethig to noitce though PM. 3. Killing enemies is not always worth the EXP. Because you can't love if you have LVL's. 4. We need to be able to communicate with you so please tell us when you are leaving for a few days or permanently! [hr] So that's all the formal stuff done with, I will start the IC once the basic ideas of the relationship is done~ If you have any questions please ask if and I will answer it the best I can!