[hr][h1][i][color=Lawngreen]Sonya Mayfield[/color], [b]Henry Olin[/b], & Task Force RAVEN.[/i][/h1][sub][i]Written in collaboration with [b][@MrAllenJ][/b][/i][/sub][hr] The last door that lead into the entrance of the base was opened, a shining golden figure appearing on the other side. [i]Echo[/i]. The door was opened merely because Leon said that there wasn't anyone in the entrance hall... that was coherent, of course. When RAVEN and NEST stepped inside, there were a few people lying about. There was a squad of Agents that went in before the task force. "All clear." Maximilian said. "Phew," Leon said as he looked around. "Nice place." It honestly didn't feel like they were in some evil lab - it felt like they were inside a mansion. Nice interior design, and everything! Leon [i]has[/i] to ask who designed this place. Just so he can get Headquarters remodeled. Sonya took in a deep breath through her mask. It was the only way she could breath - other than her suit. "Was expecting a line of REAPERs." Sonya noted as she looked around. "Mayfield," Maximilian said, as one of the Agents passed him a ACR. He grabbed it by it's top, and tossed it over to Sonya. Who expertly caught it. "Figured that your rifle won't be as useful down here." Sonya laughed, closing her large, frog eyes. "A crackshot is great with any weapon. Bet you can throw me a slingshot and I'll take out a fool from a mile away!" She shrugged with that carefree grin on her face. Nikki stepped inside, and the insects that were resting on her armor spread out. Going deep into the hallways - only problem was that the airborne drug was messing with them a little bit (It seems like Trevor's drug seems to be more effective against mammals). She couldn't control them as well as normal - and when she tuned into their senses, she could just [i]smell[/i] the drug. Along with them flying around a little erratically. Which meant that the Agent wasn't going to be as effective down here. "Damn it," Nikki started off. "My bugs are spazzing out a bit." "Can you work with it, Swarm Queen?" Maximilian asked, Echo floating valiantly behind him. "Yeah, might have to shoot a little bit more." "Alright," Maximilian said, and he pressed his comm-piece, "Grue, we've breached the base." "Excellent." Dana said. "Going off this layout, you have two ways to go. The left path will take you to the labs, and conference rooms, and the right will take you to the prisons." Maximilian nodded his head. "Excellent, Grue. We'll be moving out now." "I'll keep you posted." Adam and Savannah walked in through the door, and Maximilian acknowledged it. "All of RAVEN is here now... Just as the plan dictates, we're splitting off into two teams." "Um..." Sonya said, as she hopped up to Maximilian. She put her hand up to shield her eyes from the golden light of Echo. "Me and Inky decided to go out and get the prisoners. I want to make sure that girl the Hands grabbed from a few nights back. We're going to lead the team that infiltrates the right end of this hell-base, and gets them out of here." She balled her fists "Understood." Maximilian said. "I'm going to be personally heading into the Hands conference room with a team." [hr] "You sacks of shit!" Henry said, throwing one poor REAPER through a desk full of equipment and into another, effectively pacifying them both. He crossed his arms and huffed at his seared tail feathers. Those took forever to grow back. "I hope the afterlife is terrible." Henry huffed, pointing his gun down and putting a two bullets into each of them. Shoot twice - Something he had learned from his years in the military. He allowed his gun to hang against his vest and with his right hand he pulled up his radio. "This is agent Dragonfly. All clear where I am. Awaiting orders." "Agent Dragonfly, you will be accompanying me." Maximilian spoke into the comms. "Location? I'm on the left building entrance." "We came in through the main entrance." Maximilian said. "You vanilla motherfucker." Henry said into the mic. "I bet you only do missionary in bed to." He finished. "Moving to your position now." There was more gunfire and screaming over the comms as Henry made his way through the building to Max's position, and when he finally entered the room his group was in through a previously closed door he was covered in blood and in general looked like something out of a monster movie. "Special delivery for agent asshole." He stated, lifting his gun up and lazily spinning his arm. "Woo- wooo. Lets get the pain train going. Lead the way, Max." Maximilian rolled his eyes. "Agent All-Seer, Super-Sonic, White Leopard, with me. We're going after the Chairmen." He nodded his head as he turned his way over to the left tunnel. "Everyone else, you will be accompanying Agent Merryday and your objective is to secure that end of the base, and liberate their prisoners. Weapons-free, eliminate all threats, and hit them hard and fast." He started walking, with his squad behind him. Sonya nodded her head. "You all take care now!" Sonya shouted after them. "... Merryday, be quiet." Maximilian said over the comms "Oops, sorry!" "We're literally firing guns and throwing flashbangs I'm pretty certain she's not gonna alert them any more. It's a miracle the alarms haven't gone off as it is." "You can thank Cyber for that, Henry!" Sonya said, grinning. She turned to her own group, which consisted of Inkshade, Counterpoint, All-Father, Swarm-Queen, and herself of course! "Looks like we're going to have fun!" She clapped her hands together, grinning. "We can't fail. We got Adam on our team!" Adam nodded his head. "I figure that I'd be best if I help getting innocent people out of the way." Sonya hopped up, and attached herself to the ceiling. Her tongue flicking out for a moment. "Well, let's go!" [hr][h1][i][b]Henry Olin[/b], Maximilian Cornell, & Task Force RAVEN.[/i][/h1][sub][i]Written in collaboration with [b][@MrAllenJ][/b][/i][/sub][hr] Maximilian's all-star squad was heading down towards the conference room. Each holding their weapons in hand. The halls started seeming more like labs, as the group passed more and more double-doors, and signs that said "Operating rooms". Maximilian was at the head of the group - his Echo wasn't deployed just in case it gave away their position to more REAPERs - eyes open for danger. "Leon," Maximilian asked the man literally right next to him, "Are we heading the right way?" Projecting his vision forward, Leon peaked through the halls of the base, and it wasn't long before they found the grand conference room. "Yup..." Leon trailed off. "What is it?" Maximilian picked up on it. "Oh nothing..." Leon said. "... Just that they made a little bulwark ahead." Maximilian stopped. "... and why didn't you tell us this sooner?" "Just noticed it - whoever they got left standin' doesn't want us reaching their little conference room." "God damn it." Maximilian said. "Give us details." "Well, for starters, it's right around the corner." Leon immediately projected his all-seeing gaze ahead again. Some REAPERs, and some scientists with guns, had gathered some metal boxes, and medical tables, and created a little barricade. Each of them ready to open fire on whoever steps down the hall. "Just your usual barricade made out of scraps. Metal boxes, those little metal tables with wheels, etc." "Leon," Henry spoke up. "Any idea how thick those walls are?" "Uh, like, a few inches I guess?" Leon shrugged. "Do I look like a wall expert to you? Just use your dinosaur strength to find out, god dayum." "You look like the type that would use a glory hole. Thought I'd ask." Henry said, shrugging. "Uh, me and glory holes don't get along." Leon said. "Last time I tried one, I got a special scar." Maximilian facepalmed. "So that's how you were circumcised..." Henry said, chuckling. "As Leon said, if you all want to... ya know, pull a switcheroo on them and make ourselves a new entrance I can arrange that." Henry said, cracking his knuckles. Now that the idiocy that Leon induced is over, Maximilian had cooked up a plan of his own. He reached to his vest, and pulled out a grenade. In close quarters like this, a grenade would tear them to piece. "Hmmm... I have an idea of my own," Maximilian stated. "It involves this grenade, and Echo... Say, do any of you watch baseball?" "Max, who the fuck watches baseball anymore?" Henry said disbelievingly. There is NO WAY Max, who he thought was a generally okay person and good guy, was that much of a deviation from normal society. "... I do." "And people call me strange..." "Know what? I'm going to have Echo throw this grenade at them. He's pretty much bulletproof, so it won't bother him in the slightest." Maximilian said, gritting his teeth. Because Henry is insulting his passion! "Lazy ass. Back in Desert Shield we threw our own grenades." Henry said, leaning up against the wall. He undoubtable had a stupid grin behind the mask-muzzle he had on. "Just toss the nade to we can raise our K/D ratios." "I'd rather not risk getting shot at - and Echo will be able to get the grenade in the center where it'll hurt." Maximilian said. He'll have to remember to shove a grenade up Henry's ass later. Max would have threw "his own grenade" [i]there[/i]. "After I throw the grenade, you break through the wall, and flank them. Me and All-Seer will be pushing down the hall. It'll be a perfect pincer movement." Henry turned around and lifted his fist, and promptly smashed it through the wall right behind him, and then dragged his arm downwards. He ripped his arm out, and then kicked a large portion of the wall inward with his foot. Several of the agents gawked at Henry's show of strength. It was like he was tearing through paper. This did however, create an entrance to the adjacent room. Henry moved down to the end of the room and lined himself up with the wall that the REAPER agents were on the other side of. "When you toss the grenade, dont jump right out. I dont want to shoot any of you." Henry said over the comms to them. He didn't want to shout it and risk the REAPER's hearing it. "Whenever you're ready, Max." "Alright," Maximilian said. Deploying Echo, his golden form shined a light that was invisible to a baseline human. "... Here we go." He tossed the grenade to his golden shadow, and Echo flew down the hallway. Fortunately, they weren't Metahuman (Nor taking the REAPER Mutagen) - so all they saw was a floating grenade. Echo flew at high speeds, pulling the pin, before tossing it down the hallway. "Frag out!" Maximilian shouted over the comms. The REAPERS scrambled, panicking, before the grenade exploded and ripped through them. Killing several of them, and sending their barricade flying. However, that wasn't the end. Maximilian sent his Echo flying down the hallway, unleashing a barrage of fists, and furry. Punching several of the REAPERS so hard that they died on impact. Henry, in the mean time, smashed through the wall and hailed bullets on the remaining REAPER agents to finish off any that hadn't already been killed by Echo. Once he ran out of targets, Henry stopped firing and lowered his gun. "Clear!" "... We weren't even needed." Helena said, clearly impressed by the display of power demonstrated by both Maximilian and Henry - but was trying to hide it. She stepped up over the bodies, followed by Leon, and Savannah. "Sorry about that." Maximilian said as he walked up. Henry grumbled some form of apology but was too busy unwrapping and eating what looked to be a cheerio bar. Which Maximilian ordered Echo to smack out of his hand. Very nonchalantly. "Leon, where to next?" "It's right down the hall... All I see in there is high scientists - hehe, some of them are doing it, too." Leon answered, and made Maximilian facepalm. "Alright, Agents, let's go..." [hr] The Agents kicked down the door into the conference room. Standing in the very center of it. There, like Leon said, weren't any combatants other than the people that were high. Maximilian clenched his gun tightly as he looked around. "Leon, where's the chairmen?" He asked. "Looks like they caught on, and skedaddled." Leon shrugged. "Well, find them. We have every entrance locked down, they couldn't have gotten far." Maximilian said. [hr][hider=Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle ost - Dio's World][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02H7iTkEqQ4[/youtube][/hider][hr] "... On the contrary, we have plenty of [i]exits[/i], as well." A feminine voice came from one of the balconies, as three people walked up. Dr. Cross, with her hands folded behind her back. Wendigo and Ignatius by her sides. Ignatius looking cool, while Wendigo looked ready to jump down there and tear their legs off. "To my knowledge, women only have one back door." Henry commented, looking genuinely befuddled by Dr. Cross' statement. All of RAVEN groaned - except for Leon, who was tempted to mention the one chick that had three assholes. Yeah, that was nasty, but hardly appropriate in this situation. Dr. Cross ignored the statement, because it was completely retarded.. "The other chairmen are on their way out." "It's over Cross. I don't see why you stood behind." Maximilian said. "Because I'm no coward, and I personally want to oversee the death of Task Force RAVEN, and all hopes NEST has of stopping us." "Can I have the zombie one? He looks like he'd be fun!" Henry said, aiming his gun upwards at Wendigo. "Pow! Haha! Pow pow!" "... Think she's buyin' some time monologuing." Leon whispered. Henry didn't need any more permission and promptly open fired on all three of them. The bullets cut through the air towards them - and they seemingly stopped in air. Surrounded by a dark-red aura. "... Rude." Ignatius said. "Honestly, lizard man, you think we'd be standing here if we couldn't stop your little pea-shooters?" "Oh no, I'm just distracting you while you monologue." Maximilian sent his Echo flying at the balcony at high speeds, already unleashing a barrage of fists. The Wendigo immediately ran up, and kicked the railing down onto the floor. He braced his body, dropping his weight, and every punch that Echo delivered hit with such insane force that it sounded like an explosion. However, the Wendigo stood his ground almost as if he was getting tickled. He cocked his fist, and punched Echo so hard it sent it flying across the room. Echo faded before he could hit the wall. Helena had flashstepped upwards, and aimed her gun at them. Opening fire with her ACR. Savannah slammed her hands on the ground, and created a path of ice that lead up to the balcony. While Leon thought about shooting them. Once again, the bullets were caught in a dark-red aura, before falling to the ground. "Alright, then, can we cut the bullshit and get right to the action, then?" Ignatius created dark-red knives in his hand, grinning impishly. "Kill them all." Dr. Cross said, turning around and walking away. "Likewise!" Henry roared, beating his chest with one hand. "Your orders!" Ignatius threw the knives at the RAVENs, his blades cutting through the air at high speeds. Before he hopped down, he started slowing down-mid way, and didn't even land with a thud. The Wendigo turned around, and grabbed a door, yanking it off it's hinges. He hopped down with the door in hand - and when he hit the ground, he left cracks. Echo spawned right in front of Maximilian, and he immediately started punching knives at light speed. While Savannah created a dome of ice to defend herself, and Leon saw their path and made sure he wasn't there. "Alright, RAVEN, here are your orders." Maximilian said. "Super-Sonic, White Leopard, All-Seer - Go after Dr. Cross!" He ordered. "Right!" Leon shouted. "... Uh, we'll have to get up there, though." "Just have Supersonic fly you up there," Maximilian said. Helena flashstepped next to Leon, and then flashstepped up into the air. "Oh no you don't!" Ignatius shouted, throwing his energy knives - However Echo got in the way, and knocked the knives out of the way. Helena flash stepped Leon up onto the balcony, and they ran off, Savannah also jumped up there, and climbed her way on. And she was behind them. "Agent Dragonfly," Maximilian said, raising his fists. "... Mind lending me a hand with this? I don't think I can do this without you." He asked, grinning halfway. "Nah fam I'm totally just gonna let you have all the fun." Henry said, cracking his neck. "Which one are you calling?" "... Well, I think I'll have Maximilian to myself, if you don't mind!" Ignatius shouted as he created a flurry of energy knives, and threw them at Maximilian. Maximilian responded by having Echo punch them off course - but Ignatius created another wave, getting closer and closer. The Wendigo, wielding a door, blindly rushed over to Henry, his heavy footsteps barely drowned out the growling. Using his momentum, he spun around, and threw the door - but he kept running. Henry howled with laughter as the door completely missed him. His hands fell to his knees and he propped himself, trying not to double over in laughter. "You-" Henry said in between breaths. "You feeling alright buddy? Drugs kicking in some? How many fingers am I holding up?" He was very much aware that Wendigo was still coming his way, but he tended to do this. The Wendigo swung a fist strong enough to punch a car in half at Henry. Completely ignoring the banter in favor of his blind rage. Wendigo was much faster than Henry was expecting, but Henry was already lower than usual due to his hunched position. He pivoted on his heel and pushed his body upwards at an angle, going under Wendigo's arm, which slid across his back- leaving some nasty rug burn. Because Wendigo had made the rookie mistake of throwing all of his momentum into a punch, his back was now exposed to Henry. But instead of aiming for the body, Henry lifted his foot and delivered a very fast kick to the side of the Wendigo's exposed knee. It only takes fifteen pounds of force to destroy every tendon in the knee in a regular person. Henry was banking on the idea that it would be... comparative on the Wendigo. Henry had forgotten that the Wendigo just took a barrage from Echo's fists as if it was nothing. While the blow did hurt a little, it didn't do nearly as much damage as Henry had hoped. He was knocked forward a little bit, and that was it. The Wendigo snorted. Before he dropped his weight again, and marched towards Henry. Not throwing another attack - but hoping to counter another. Henry's reaction to this was rather simple. Rather fight someone who's endurance was much greater than his own, Henry would play it smart. He reached on to his vest and grabbed two cans of containment foam sprayer. He looked up to Wendigo, who was nearly upon him now. "Suck a dick!" Henry said, raising the can to face them. However, the Wendigo was much faster than Henry thought - with a short burst of speed, Wendigo had closed the distance, and pushed the sprayer aside, and delievered a punch to his side. Henry's breath left him, but his other hand, which was also armer with a sprayer, came up and pressed down on the trigger. The foam went literally all over the Wendigo's head and chest. Like, I'm not talking no chicken and gravy, bitch. Like, all over that fucker's skull. Henry flew to the floor, coughing and in pain, but fairly okay. He turned his head to face his adversary to see how they were fairing against the foam. In case he needed to... reapply. The Wendigo was sprayed in the face - he was thrashing around with the foam covering his face. Fortunately for him, he still had free control over his arms. He grabbed onto the back of his head, digging his fingers into the foam with all of his strength. He pulled it right off. Standing right up. Henry was upon the struggling giant almost instantly, and boy was Henry pissed now. He matched Wendigo in strength, he knew that for sure. It was the endurance that Wendigo had over him- but Henry knew for a fact that Wendigo relied on that. He didn't have the finesse or fighting experience. It was time to draw this out some. Henry dropped one of the cans to free up one hand as grabbed the Wendigo by the neck and forced downward, using his leg to kick the Wendigo's out from beneath him. Effectively slamming the meta back down on the ground. He left go, and raked his claws across the meta's face as he pulled his arm back. While his claws didn't do much to his mask besides create sparks, it did cut his gas mask. Wendigo immediately pushed off the ground, and tried to drive his fist into Henry's chest. A Metahuman like him would naturally have a resistance to such drugs, and he'll make sure that he has Henry's head before it even does anything. Henry had no time to move out of the way, and took the full brunt of the blow. He was lifted off the ground by the force of the punch, and his sternum had definitely been in better shape. His armor had taken... most of the force, but any more punches like that and he'd be dealing with some badly broken bones. Which would be bad. Very bad. Henry reached to the other side of his vest and grabbed about three Anti-meta canisters, and drove a hole in them with his claws. The result was an explosion of red gas the filled the room, and Henry camouflaged into the now misty red room. While Henry was doing his thing Wendigo heard Ignatius say some words, and leaped off towards him. Meanwhile, Maximilian was engaging Ignatius. Who was throwing knives, while getting closer and closer. Eventually, Ignatius threw the knives out the window, and created a giant sword out of the energy that had to be over fifteen feet long. He swung the sword almost as if it weighed as much as paper. Echo caught the blade, and tried to pull Ignatius - but the sword had disappeared as Ignatius took advantage of the situation by creating an overly long rapier and thrusted it right on through Echo. The tip of the blade pierced even Maximilian. Who let out a groan of pain and surprise. "What is it, Max?" Ignatius said as he pushed the blade deeper and deeper. However, Echo raised his hand up into the air, and slammed it down so hard that it snapped the Rapier in half. Quickly following it up with a barrage of blows - that Ignatius countered by creating a shield. Every heavy fist left an impact - and Ignatius pushed the shield outwards to give himself distance from Echo. Which created a noticeable gap. Ignatius created two, thick, swords, and ran at Maximilian. He started stabbing forward with the blades, moving at speeds that were comparable to Echo. Echo quickly started throwing punches to keep up with the mad barrage of blades. Echo grabbed the tips of the blades, and threw them across. Before Ignatius could react, Echo had delivered a kick that sent the man flying backwards. "Nice one." Ignatius grinned, seemingly unharmed by the attack. He flipped over, and quickly ran over to Maximilian, dodging a kick from Echo. He closed the distance, and swiped his sword right at Maximilian's head - leaving the agent no choice but to duck. Echo reformed right in front of him, and threw a kick that Ignatius shielded with a energy shield. Ignatius jumped high up into the air, creating a barrage of knives that Echo once again deflected - however, Ignatius used that as a distraction to get around Maximilian. He had created two spears, and lunged at Max - who flew to the side. The spears hit the ground, but Ignatius immediately pulled them out of the ground, and swung them. The tip of the spear cut Maximilian's chest. The man groaned in pain. Ignatius took a few steps back, putting his hand on his chin. Grinning like a fool. He was told by Dr. Cross to "kill them", but the actual mission was to buy as much time for the Hands as possible. Killing them would be [i]fun[/i]. Taking them out of the equation now. The room was being filled with gas. An annoyance. He looked down, and saw some unconscious scientists. "Oh, Wendigo!" He said, earning a look from his partner in crime. "[i]It's time.[/i]" The Wendigo grinned as he hopped jumped so high in the air, he almost touched the ceiling. He landed not too far away from Ignatius. He then walked over to the unconscious scientists, and knelt down. He went absolutely ape-shit. He started eating their bodies. Pulling them apart, and gnawing down on flesh and organs almost like he hasn't eaten in years. Blood was getting splattered everywhere. As he ate, a layer of grey smoke came off his body, and his eyes started glowing red. Standing in between him, and the RAVENs, was Ignatius. He was standing tall, clapping. "I'll give you one chance." He said, smiling. "One chance to kill yourselves, because it's all over, now." He started laughing. He had his eyes on both of them. All he had to do was shield the Wendigo. Make sure that he has all the time he needs to get hungry. Ignatius created a large shield dome around himself and the Wendigo - that kept the gas out, fortunately. But at the same time, it kept the current gas in. He hoped that the blood craze would be enough to counteract the depressant. "This is Dragonfly coming in. I'm feeling weird man." Henry whispered into the coms from the ceiling. "Any ideas, guys?" "I can't see in here," Maximilian said, his eyes squinting through the shadows. Echo was providing enough light to see figures. "We might have a problem - I think they're up to something." He wished that Henry gave him a bit of forewarning - now Maximilian can't see a thing. He hoped that the same applied to them. "Well," Henry said, groaning some and putting his hand to his chest. Wendigo had hit him harder than he thought. "If worst comes to worst, it's been an honor, guys." "... Don't give me that, Ol- Dragonly." Maximilian hissed. "Alright, I suggest a tactical retreat." He said. They might go after the rest of RAVEN - but they can't stay in this room. "We can't see a thing, and I don't want to be in the center of this when they make their moves. Understood?" Maximilian started moving backwards, with Echo hovering in front of him - acting as a shield in case any of the others show up. "Look, I can lend a hand from all the way over here." Leon said. "Don't worry about-" "Shut up, Max." Leon said. "Like hell I'm going to stand - well, run - while you two get demolished." Leon came to a stop, and the rest of the RAVENs that were pursuing Dr. Cross stopped too. "Leon, what the hell are you doing?" Helena asked, "She's getting away." "You're enough to catch her." Leon said. "It just doesn't sit right with me letting Max and Henry die like this." Leon focused, and immediately projected his sight into the room. It was hard to see through the mist - but he managed to spot Ignatius and... Jesus Christ. The Wendigo was eating bodies like it was nothing. "I don't know what's going on, but that big guy is going to town on some dead bodies. Eatin' 'em." Leon said. "What?!" Maximilian said. "Yeah, he a cannibal or something." Leon answered. "That's what a Wendigo is, lore wise." Henry said over the comms. "Guess he lives up to his name." Leon said, shrugging. "He gotta be doing that for a reason... Stay on guard, guys." "Yeah, we'll be fine... Just catch Cross." Maximilian said. "Yeah, sure, All-Seer out." Leon said, before his trio began pursuing Dr. Cross once again. Maximilian made it to the wall, and he had Echo start punching the wall until he created a hole. He wasted no time in going right through it, leaving the room. Hoping that Henry did the same. Back over to the REAPERs. "... Yes." The Wendigo said, his voice was even more demonic than before. He stood straight up, his eyes were glowing brightly through the red mist, and he was producing a grey smoke off his body. "Flesh... [i]Flesh! [b]I NEED MORE![/b][/i]" Wendigo loudly shouted through the mist. He was shaking uncontrollably, his head looking around for the next dead body. He reached up to his mask, and literally tore it all off. Revealing his rotted, and decayed face. Like a zombie. He had no lips, and his eyes didn't have an iris at all. It only glowed a bright color now. "I must consume, I am [i]Famine![/i]" "Hahahahaha...." Ignatius loudly laughed. "... Have fun, Wendigo. I think I'll sit this one out." Mostly because, in this state, the Wendigo was savage, and barely in control of himself. Ignatius didn't want to risk getting attacked, so he'll come in and sweep up the rest. He also wanted to head over and kill those RAVENs that were going after Cross. So Ignatius hopped up on one of the balconies, and ran off after them. The Wendigo ran out the door after them. He immediately ran through a wall. Surveying the room, he started punching wildly, smashing any object in his way. He ran through another wall. Henry was struggling at this point. Every movement he made, his chest hurt. Like, really hurt. He was worrying that internal bleeding was getting the best of him. He crawled towards the exit, attempting to move through it the same way Max had, when his body cramped up, and he fell from the wall with a rather loud crash. "Fuck me!" Henry roared in a combination of anger and rage. Great. Fucking wonderful. He was going to die in the dumbest way possible. And he was sure he wouldn't get better this time. He pulled his body inward into the fetal position and remained like that for a few minutes. He could hear the carnage in the building of Wendigo going beserk, but was unable to do anything about it. Maximilian was walking down the hallway, fortunately, the gas wasn't following him, so he could see just fine. He was bleeding from the wounds that he had recieved - briefly tempted to take off the mask so he could take a whiff of Obott's drug. He decided against it when he remembered he needed to be at his mental peak in order to get out of this alive. He kept walking - until he heard a noise. Something had burst through the wall, and it sounded like it was... eating. Maximilian peaked around the corner, and spotted the Wendigo eating another unconscious scientist. It was horrifying to see up close... then the Wendigo turned around, with his demonic face. Staring him right in the eyes. He immediately rushed towards Maximilian - who had no choice but to deploy Echo. Echo delivered his usual series of blows, but the Wendigo responded by swinging his fists around widly. Somehow managing to overwhelm the speedy barrage. The Wendigo threw one last punch that sent Echo flying again - sending him right into Maximilian. Maximilian hit the wall with a thud, and he screamed in pain as a cracking sound filled the air. He looked down, and saw that his arm was broken by the elbow. The Wendigo's demonic laughter became the only thing Max heard as he ran up. Licking his lips. Max deployed Echo again, and let out a heroic shout as Echo delivered another series of high-speed punches to the Wendigo's chest. This time, empowered by Maximilian's will to live, they hit harder than ever before. Sending the Wendigo back with each punch. Maximilian stood up, and kept up the barrage that the Wendigo could only block. Maximilian let out one last yell as Echo cocked his fist, and delivered a powerful punch so hard that it sent the Wendigo flying. The Demon went through a wall at high speeds, and disappeared in a cloud of dust. Which was enough for Maximilian to limber off. "RAVENS!" Maximilian loudly shouted into the comms. "I need help! Immediate backup!" "Um..." Dana said. "Merryday and her team are dealing with problems of their own...." Dana trailed. "... We're on our way." Leon said, ready to stop the chase for Dr. Cross and turn back to help Maximilian. "Just stay alive. I can find you, Praetorian! Where is Dragonly!?" The response Leon got was the sound of a large amount of banging and popping coming from the comms, sounding like many tiny explosions. Whatever it was, it quickly cut off. Suddenly Dragonfly, who was quite literally hauling ass on all fours, flew through a pair of doors and through a few walls, losing his footing he tripped and smashed through another few objects before coming to a skidding stop in front of Max. His face mask had been... melted somewhat. As if acid had been taken to it. His scales on his snout were also red and irritated. His eyes were huge, like, the size of dinner plates. Me made several 'mffph!" sounds and made several hand motions, which were erratic and generally unreadable. "What...?" Maximilian asked, until he looked down the hallway and saw that the Wendigo was coming back around. "Oh shit." He said, deploying Echo yet again. Henry shook his head and turned his head to looked at the raging monster. Out of habit, he roared, and along with his traditional saurian scream, a jet of two liquids shot out from his jaws into one stream, that effectively hissed and [i]exploded[/i] as the powerful chemical reaction occurred. The napalm-esque liquid connected and stayed on Wendigo, hissing and burning the meta human, creating a rancid smelling gas that smelt of burning flesh and fur. Henry turned and ran down the hall, hoping to god Max was following. The Wendigo cried in pain as he desperately wiped the liquid off his eyes. After it was off... he was mad. Maximilian was running down the hallway after Henry, but he soon realized the Wendigo would catch up any second now. With both of them obviously injured, it won't be long until they fall. They won't be able to defeat the Wendigo in direct combat - even with backup. He knew that if they can't beat the Wendigo, then the rest of the group would get slaughtered. So it was down to them, basically. However, Maximilian had a plan that was so crazy that it had to work. It was all or nothing at this point - and Maximilian was willing to take the risk. While running alongside Henry, Maximilian started off, "Henry, I don't know what the hell you did back there," He paused for a moment to take a few breaths. "And I don't care - we need to head back to that barricade - I have an idea, but it might get everyone here killed." They could hear the Wendigo's footsteps behind them. Henry didn't audibly respond, because he had no clue how to not fire this caustic shit, but he made it apparent that he heard and understood. Henry grabbed Max with one of his massive arms and double timed it, using his size to cover more ground. But he was tiring quickly, both from the power mutation, and from general exhaustion created by injury and otherwise. As they approached the barricades, Henry skidding to a stop and put Max down. He panted some, but didn't open his mouth much. He nodded his head to Max in confirmation. If they died, so did everyone else. And if there was any chance of them getting out alive, it was by them doing... whatever Max had planned. When Max was put down, he willed Echo out. Max could still hear the Wendigo coming behind them - which was good, because they needed the Wendigo. When the demon ran up on them, and Maximilian ordered Echo to pick up a body. His ghostly shadow flung a dead body right at the Wendigo. Who caught it. "Eat up, you bastard." Maximilian said. This better work... or else they would have made the problem, far, far, worse. The Wendigo grinned as he tore the head clean off the body, and crushed it, shoving it into his mouth. Before he went to town on the rest of the body. Eating it up in a minute. There was barely anything left of it, other than a few scraps that the Wendigo wasn't desperate enough to eat... Yet. There was still that hunger. The hunger for more. "More... I must consume!" The Wendigo shouted, as he looked over to Max. "Well, Wendigo," Maximilian had to hiss in pain. "Here's an all you can eat buffet. Prepared just for you." He half-grinned. "Let's get out of the way, Dragonfly." Maximilian said as he took steps back. "Yes... And when I'm done with my feast, you'll be next." The Wendigo loudly laughed as he went to town. Devouring each and every one of the many bodies. Every time, the Wendigo became more and more frantic. Until he was just blindly shoving bodies into his mouth. His armor was drenched in blood, and guts. He crushed the last skull in between his jaws... and was still as hungry as ever. He needs [i]more[/i]. Wendigo felt so powerful right now... he can take on the world now. The Wendigo flexed, and started laughing like a maniac. "... You two are next." The Wendigo demonically groaned, as he began a charge after them. "Let's hope this works...." Max muttered to himself. He called out Echo. "He keeps saying that but-" Henry began to speak, only for more of the caustic substand to fire out from his mouth and go off with another loud banging sound. When the Wendigo got close, Echo threw a powerful punch using what was left of Maximilian's strength. The Wendigo caught it, laughing maniacally, as he threw Echo with all of his strength. The Wendigo raised his fists in the air, and slammed on the ground so hard that Leon's dick got hard from a mile away and the ground shattered on impact. "So much power..." The Wendigo laughed. "I... I WILL ENJOY THIS FEAST!" He started laughing as he ran forward. Ramming his hand into the wall, and pulling down the wall as he ran. Echo got back up, and delivered a final barrage of fists, that the Wendigo took without struggling. "... It's [i]pointless![/i]" The Wendigo said. "I have achieved [i]Godhood[/i]! And I will not stop until I consu-" Henry came from the slide and body slammed Wendigo, the two giants rolling to the ground with Henry pinned at the bottom. "MOtheR FUCKER!" Henry screamed, more of the caustic shit launching up into wendigo's face again. The Wendigo was knocked over, and took the caustic liquid, except he was still laughing. He was on a power-high like no other. Nothing hurt him. he was a [i]God[/i]. "... If you wanna eat..." Maximilian trailed off, as he stood tall, with Echo holding another unconscious scientist... It was a morally bankrupt thing to do, but this is the price they have to pay. For survival. The Wendigo was unstoppable otherwise. Echo threw the body at Wendigo, which the demon happily chowed down on. The Wendigo's muscles had buldged, and he started laughing into the heavens. Hands pinced up into claws. "Yes! Feed me!" The Wendigo screamed. "Oh?" Maximilian said, cockily. He had to hold back his [i]own[/i] laughter. "I think you had enough, big man. Heh..." The plan worked [i]flawlessly[/i]. And then, for Henry, it clicked. "Huh..." The Wendigo looked at his hands... ash was falling off him. He felt a stining pain like no other. His red eyes were fading. "No..." The Wendigo said. "... No, no, no!" He continued, as his hands were falling to pieces. "You bastards! You bastards did this to me!" "I made you [i]ash[/i]." Maximilian said. "It was your own fault, really." He shrugged. "You should have remembered that there's a certain amount of power a body can hold at a time. And you pushed yourself far beyond your limits." Maximilian explained. "It was a matter of exploiting your [i]endless[/i] hunger." Henry stood up to his full height. Maximilian was undoubtably nearly out of it himself with all of his Echo usage. He stalked forwards and lifted his claws, grabbing the Wendigo by his shoulder and pulling him forward into his his open, clawed hand. He pulled it back, and while turning on his heel, threw the dying demon to the ground in front of Max. Maximilian stood right over the Wendigo, with Echo deployed, all it would take is one last blow to be rid of this thing for good. "You think my death is the end?" The Wendigo spat out the words. "It's just the beginning. I served my debt to science. Dr. Cross and the Chairmen must be miles from the base by now." "... Hey, we're here!" Leon said, with Helena and Savannah right behind him. He walked over, and looked down at the Wendigo - who was asking. "Oh? What happened to him?" Maximilian facepalmed. "... Excellent timing, Leon." "Ignatius and Dr. Cross will [i]kill[/i] all of you." The Wendigo said. "You may have won our base... but we have a weapon that will win the war for us. So... revel in your victory...." The Wendigo groaned. Maximilian had enough of this freak. Echo cocked his fist, before sending out a powerful punch that caved the Wendigo's skull in. Killing him. His body faded into ashes not too long afterwards. Henry breathed heavily and rumbled. He looked around to the newcomers and, seeing that they had seemingly won, gave them them thumbs up. His plan worked. There was.. very little loss of life. So far, so good. Seeing the everything was in working order and that he wasn't in any danger any longer, Henry then promptly passed out. "I'm not carrying him." Helena joked. "What about Dr. Cross?" Maximilian said. "She got away." Leon shrugged. "She's fast as hell for a little old lady... and we had to stop chasing her to come back here and save your ass." Maximilian sighed. Just as Wendigo said, Dr. Cross probably escaped by now. "This is Praetorian, I am injured and I need immediate assistance." He said into the comms. "Agent Dragonfly also needs assistance." "Understood, sending medics to your location at once." Dana buzzed. "Lots, and lots of them!" Elias piped in.