Paladin Jensen looked about his quarters as he laid back in bed, he had been looking over maps for quite the while now in an attempt to get the lay of the land, which he did have a basic knowledge of where the important places were located. Which gave him a general idea of where he could go if need be. However, as he lay contemplating, a young Scribe came to him and spoke firmly. "Paladin Jensen, the Elder wishes to speak with you." Jensen stood immediately, clapping his fist to his chest in a salute, then turning to don the combat uniform, armor and all. He expected a quick deployment. Though this soon, did surprise him quite a bit. Upon arrival at the Command Center the Elder turned abruptly, and Jensen quickly snapped to attention and stood before the Elder, still as stone. "Paladin Jensen." The Elder spoke firm, yet kind to the Paladin. "Yes Elder?" Jensen replied, not breaking his posture as the elder pointed to where Liberty City was located on the map. "I'd like you to head down there. We need a stronger presence outside this Citadel and that means putting our best right on the front line. You're one of our best, and I want you out there." Jensen nodded and the Elder saluted him, and Jensen returned the salute in kind. "Grab your gear, Ad Victoriam Paladin." "Ad Victoriam, Elder Mavarek." He broke salute and briskly left to gear up, donning his Power Armor and nodding to the Knights who were being sent there with him to reinforce the area, though there were only four including him, they carried supplies and Jensen's out of armor weaponry, which was a Ripper with a longer blade, and his Mentor's modified Automatic Laser rifle, which he called the Righteous Authority. How fitting. As the men loaded up in the Vertibird, they saluted the pilot and took a hold of what they could as they took off. Jensen currently had his Tri-barrel Minigun, and his Super Sledge on hand. He simply stared out over the city and studied what he could of it as they traveled. Within but a few minutes they were dropped outside the city, following right behind the supply drop vertibird that had arrived just moments before they had, and strode into the city and began to make conversation with the locals in the hopes of making some friends.