[hider=the human] Name: Walther Age: 15 Pronouns: He, him. Color: Orange [hider=Appearance: ] [img]http://orig04.deviantart.net/0b18/f/2013/041/9/6/ac__the_human_king_chibi_by_tiny_midget-d5uhh7q.png[/img] [/hider] Personality: Walther is a rather overbearing and dominant person. He feels best when others turn to him for guidance and advice, and often interjects with his thoughts even when not asked to do so. 'Weapon': The leader scepter, +2 attack. “You can get these things in a toy store...” 'Armor': The boss hat, +1 defence. “It's a a crown made out of folded cardboard...” LV.: 1 Hp: 30 Atk: +5 Def: 0 Theme: N/A Relationship: (To be worked on as the RP progress) [/hider] [hider=The monster] Name: Shark shredder Pronouns: He. him Appearance: [hider= (groupie included)] [img]http://i.imgur.com/EVjf9Wj.jpg[/img] [/hider] Personality: Shark shredder is the frontman and leading personality within his band. He is an extraverted and outspoken individual who does not mind being the center of attention at all. In fact, he revels in it. To him, all of life should be lived to the fullest, even if it means being slightly irresponsible sometimes. He is a very caring and concerned person despite his tough appearance and stage persona, caring deeply for his colleagues and friends. HP: 2000 Atk: 8 Def: 0 Fighting style: The shark is there to please the crowd just as much as he's there to bring you under. He only really focuses on one person at a time. But the pyrotechnics on his stage deal more than enough collateral damage to everyone else. One can easily tell if his focus is on them. The stagelights follow his gaze, and whatever crowd there might be will clear out a line of fire. Even if you didn't ask for his attention, he'll challange your guitar skills, punctuated by a wave crashing over the one of inferior skill. Of course, unlike any of you, he can breathe underwater. [hider=Genocide tour:return of the voodoo shark] Oh, you've really done it now. And he'll make you know it. Before becoming the premier heavy metal sensation of the underground, the shredder was part of a niche ensemble of musicians whose music was said to rouse even the dead to dance. Evidently, it was true, as his band's instruments have gained a life all of their own. He's not playing fair anymore, outright blocking your approach towards him with raging torrential waves and siccing the crowd of shadows his new song awakened on you. [/hider] ACT's: AIR GUITAR: draws his specific attention towards you, better hope you have a plan. CROWD SURF: Flee the shredding shark. Just don't lose your balance. The water is deep. MOSH PIT: Safety regulations make it so this place is legally obligated to be beyond pyrotechnics range... just don't get trampled. Mercy: Pacifist and neutral with complete band: Live up to his challange to a guitar battle to the death. After all, someone that can shred the axe better than him can't be a bad person. Y'all get free merch too. A special edition band shirt complete with signature (+4 defense) Neutral, one or more band members 'disappeared: He ain't starting a concert without the full gang. Not even to take out the humans whose souls will save the underground. Genocide: You're on the highway to hell. and only one side is getting off of this crazy train alive. Battle Theme: NORMAL [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jub0Vf4FtoQ[/url] GENOCIDE [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPK7qykXPLw[/url] Relationships: N/A [/hider]