[Center][img]http://www.antsmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/portrait-photography-6.jpg[/img] [sub][i]29 | 22nd of December | 197 cm | First Class.[/i][/sub] [sub][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVEK5lcM6uc]theme.[/url][/sub] [h3][color=CC5229]Ka[/color][color=CC6633]in[/color] [color=CC5229]Br[/color][color=CC3D1F]ad[/color][color=CC2914]we[/color][color=CC140A]l[/color][color=CC0000]l[/color][/h3][/center] [b]Appearance.[/b] Kain is built like a locomotive from hell. He stands 6'4, 220 lb of muscle and grit. This towering specimen of a man is the ideal SOLDIER in some ways. He is physically powerful, athletic and with a a cut figure that was made for recruitment posters. Kain does his best to ruin this illusion by wearing the most unflattering of clothes. All that hard work to keep his body in tip top shape is wasted on ill fitting combat fatigues and what ever he find comfortable to wear. His eyes are a dark almond color, his skin is weather bitten and scarred in many places. His hair is cut short, and he keeps his beard trimmed to a neat, manageable 5'o'clock shadow. [b]personality. [/b] Outside work, Kain is a serious individual who puts great care into everything he does. Kain dislikes misunderstandings and hates being left out the loop. This combined with a strong sense for justice, makes him a troublemaker as he will get on peoples nerves over perceived aggression and slights. But what he does, he does from good heart and will to do the right thing. But this has a darker edge to it, Kain doesn't let go of grudges and he is like a honey badger when it comes to punishing a perceived wrongdoing. He has been known to cause severe bodily harm to people who he consider irredeemable and to those who have tried to stop him in his tracks. Kain is the former object of abuse, and has become extremely protective of others he feel suffer similair fate. So protective in fact, that has spent time behind bars for assaulting a particularly offensive and abusive officer. His temper is nothing impressive, for a man who spent so much of his life fighting, he flies of the handle to easily to be considered entirely stable. Despite his size and thuggish appearance, Kain is very keen and surprisingly intelligent. He is no way a gentle giant, but he has good heart beneath all those scars. [b] biography/background. [/b] Kain has suffered the cruelty of being a outsider his entire life. He was borne the most impoverished parts of the capital and lived a life in squalor with his parents. They had to scrape for food, and Kain was a fast growing kid who needed more then what ever meager meals they could acquire. These desperate years would lead to him suffering the wrath of his parents whenever he overate or caused them trouble. But he was genetically gifted, he was strong and whatever hard labor jobs he could find once growing older, helped him grow into the burly man he is today. Sometime around his 13th birthday, his mother and father both passed due to accident with a collapsing wall in the tunnel where they slept for the night. All alone, Kain found refuge at a local orphanage. But a tall, big boy such as him was prime target for the smaller but more vicious who saw a big dumb kid to bully. But Kain, as it happened, had a limit. Not sure what to do, he bottled his anger until it overflowed and he beat one of the kids half to death. Kicked out of the orphanage as soon as he hit 17, Kain was picked up by the army. At first he only trained and helped with logistics, but soon he began gearing up. As soon as he hit 18 he was seeing his first front line missions. His time on the front made him more unstable and he suffered from a short temprament. After assaulting a superior officer after the man had berated and verbally abused his comrades, Kain was put in a detention cell. It was then SOLDIER approached him. They considered him a prime specimen for the project and he was chosen to carry Gibils genes. [b]weapon{s}. [/b] Kains massive frame and powerful body makes his ideal for the heavy 3-hander blades like a Flamberge or Claymore. His blade, known as the ”Firebrand” is forged out a particular black and red alloy found withing meteor craters. Its almost as long as him and he wields it as if it was tooth pick. [b]skillset. [/b] Swordplay Sentinel Raw Strength [b]Ability[/b] Flametongue; Wraps his blade in magical flames, turning the blade almost white with heat. Like it namesake, the fires will lick across and ignite most things it touch.. (Sadly, it is less usefull at bbq's.) aeon. [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/d2/c1/9e/d2c19e6c49ec59388756cd28d0d83d3a.jpg]Gibil[/url] White and Red┊ Destruction, Justice, Temperamental Breif description. Best described as a temperamental embodiment of justice, Gibil does not care about collateral in the quest for punishing those it deem wicked. Taking the shape of a man in wicked armor and brandishing a blade that burns eternal, it is a very ominous being. Scientist report that the blade burns at a impossible level of heat, yet it dissipates almost as soon as it leaves the blade. Skulls from beings not of this world hang from its belts, and the armor seems to be made out strange alloys only found within segment of meteor craters. [b]limit/overdrive. [/b] Fires of Judgement: Kain calls upon a manifestation of his Aeons power, summoning down a massive fiery sword from above. It smashes into the earth and send a rippling wave of fire that ignites everything with superheated flames, leaving a smoldering, burning area around its point of impact. [b]Trivia[/b] [quote]Kain has tried to give up smoking 4 times in his life. Each time his life as gotten worse shortly after. He is now convinced there is something supernatural going on Kain doens't know it, but his Aeon cells burn the toxic and tar of cigarettes. And also light his cigarette for him. Scientists believes this is part of of his powers manifesting subconciusly. Kain has the current SOLDIER record for bench press, dead lift and squats. The SOLDIER program also use him as the theoretical outlier for their cost and efficiency protocols regarding food. Or as a certain Sentinel Commander said: "If all Soldiers ate like Kain, we'd be bancrupt in two months."[/quote] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Iy8KcUv.jpg[/img][/center]