[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ySPH1SP.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Kuo. [b]Age:[/b] Twenty-six. [b]Sex:[/b] Male. [b]Element:[/b] Water. [b]Home:[/b] The Lower Ring of The Republic/Ba Sing Se. [b]Appearance:[/b] Just above average height and lean, with respectable muscle mass, Kuo cuts a reasonably imposing figure. He has medium-length jet black hair and a lazy stubble smattered across his cheeks - a side-effect of a sheer distaste for grooming. [b]Profession:[/b] Former Triple Threat hitman. [b]Personality:[/b] Kuo is by turns pensive, often guilty of internalizing his emotions - but pleasantly passionate about his own goals and dreams, unwilling to accept [i]no[/i] for an answer and ready to tackle any obstacles in his path. The fire of youth leads to occasional bouts of recklessness, but a lifetime of struggle and subsistence has endowed Kuo with a commendable talent at extricating himself from sour situations. [b]Stance on Benders:[/b] Kuo hails from a long line of benders - waterbenders maternally and firebenders paternally - and spent the majority of his childhood learning the stories of his ancestors orally. Despite his parents' lack of bending talent, and his own assumed inability to bend the elements. [b]History:[/b] Kuo was born and raised in the Lower Ring. When he was a boy, his father - a laborer at the synergy plant - perished in an industrial accident; shortly thereafter, during an outbreak of mysterious sicknesses in the Lower Ring, his mother took ill and never recovered. Not yet a teen, Kuo was taken in by his only remaining family: an older cousin working for the Triple Threat Triad, from whom he would learn how to steal, fight, and handle a gun. Possessing a natural talent for marksmanship, Kuo was taken on by a local lieutenant as a contract hitman, eliminating various Triple Threat enemies for respectable sums of money. In his early twenties, disillusioned with the direction his life had taken, Kuo separated from the Triple Threats - no mean feat, requiring his own relocation and a healthy amount of subterfuge - and vanished entirely from the public eye.